New rider at Big Air MX

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
I didnt get into the dirt bike scene until after it was just the boys and I. so My step daughters were never really a part of this chapter in our live. this was stricty a "new beginning for the guys" thing. Tommi ( the younger daughter) turned 14 this week and is off on spring break. Her Dad called me to see if she could spend the week with us. Not that I've ever said no before, but it was nice of him to ask instead of just showing up with a suit case and a kid. (which has happened before) The Boys have been bugging me about riding and the track was going to open for the season weather pemitting. We woke up yesterday, and made the call. TRACK IS OPEN!

The boys deffinately had cob webs to blow out and Bonnie and Stephan, were nice enough to share there bikes with Tommi so she could ride the pee wee track. I threw a bunch of my old gear on her and walked her though the mechanics of the bike. She wasnt ripping up the track by any means, but she DID have a blast.


Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005

It's days like this that make the fact that I gave up everything to move to MI all worth it. :cool:

BTW, Don... Allison (#7 from the boys class) is sporting a new KTM smoker this year. I think it was a 65, I didnt get a good look at it. But she recognized the boys and stopped to say hi. She's still gonna be a real threat to those kids in the 65 class. they dont know what they're in for. :laugh:


Dec 2, 2003
Yea I heard that Allison was getting a new ride this year. I think she is still going to be ridding the trail class as well as the 65 class.

How was the track? Have they made any changes to it. I heard rumours that they were going to re-design the kids track. But by the looks of the pictures it is still the same.

I got the 100 re-jeted yesterday. What a differance that made. I ordered a 105 main from the Honda shop and the Yamaha shop had my 38 pilot. Raised the needle a notch and wam bam that bike started right up and was runnin fine. i think its gonna work good.

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
track was wet and rutting out bad. It's also "under construction" That entire back section ( the part you coulnt get to with out walking on the track) is cordoned off. looks like they are going to change the layout, but not sure to what extent.

glad to here the jetting worked. you open the aibox yet?


Dec 2, 2003
Nope havent done the airbox yet. After raking the front yard I was running a little low on ambition so I saved the airbox for another day.

Wolf Child

Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 30, 2005
YZMAN400 said:
Nope havent done the airbox yet. After raking the front yard I was running a little low on ambition so I saved the airbox for another day.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

I have a leaf blower you coulda borrowed. just blow 'em into the neighbors yard. :cool:

I tried to get a hold of you yesterday. you get my message?


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
That's awesome another female rider!
Did they have the gate for the big track yet? I heard that was being moved closer to that road, so that it would be a LONG start to the first turn. Then also that the parking area was going to be bigger.
We wanted to go so bad yesterday, but spent the day greasing up the new rides!! We still have linkage to do. Pics will be up later this week, after we get our pre-printed numbers in.


Dec 2, 2003
I just got your message. I was home all day yesterday. I usualy leave my Cell in my truck. So if I dont answer that I am probably in the house. It was just a fluke that I had me cell outta the truck and in the house when you called yesterday morning.

Yea I have a leaf blower as well. This was more of rake up the sticks and all the rocks at the edge of the road that the snowplow throws in the yard. Leaf blower dont work too well for that. Next I get to Thatch the yard, put down lime and fertalizer. Yeaaaa aint home ownership fun!?!?!?!?!??? Yea yea yea... I know. your not a lawn person. I like it though. It gives me some ME time cause no one else in the house raises a finger to help me in the yard.

I got the airbox cut open today. I Removed the snorkle and cut that opening bigger. Then cut another hole in front of that in that flat area that you mentioned. I think I may try to pound out a water deflector outta some metal. Then drill the rivets out of that top brace and rivet that brace and the deflector in place. That way it will help deflect any water away from the filter. If you look straight down at the air filter I can see the filter thru the top of the airbox. A deflector will help keep any moisture off the filter. We will see. man its amazing how much better that bike runs now. that bike was a mutt when we brought it home. It has some bark now.
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