
Jun 30, 2009
Hello to all,

I have been a lurker here since early last summer, just reading and learning. I used the information here to help me find the bike that I have wanted since 1980, a KDX. I picked up a '01 KDX200 that was in decent mechanical shape, but visually in less than stellar condition. Since the fall riding season is all but over for me, it is time to put the knowledge that you have provided to work. Since my budget is tight, like everyone else, I will have to take the upgrades in small steps. New fork springs go on first. For some reason the stock springs just don't work for my slim and trim 5'8" 225lbs frame. :laugh: FedEx delivered them Saturday and they go on tomorrow after work.

Thanks go to all that took their time put all this knowledge here! :cool:



Apr 3, 2009
You will need a tool that goes over the rod that will fix the... err... bottom thingy... while you use the big freaking allen head wrench (harbor freight has a set that includes the right one) to loosen it.

Sorry for all the technical terms ;)

You can build it by welding a nut to a tube of steel. My local ACE hardware only had square tubing, and that worked fine.

Dimensions for the tool are here:

It worked great.

(though to be honest, maybe the spring came out before you went that deep... I had to replace a leaking seal, so I had to pull it all the way apart)
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