Newbie just got a yz 490, any suggestions?


Aug 2, 2001
Ok any suggestions other than SELL IT!

I just icked up an RM 125 too. I am riding it right now. The neighbor had the 1987 490 and made me an offer that was great. I figured what the hey 400 bucks for a bike why not. I have not been on a two stroke for aroung 16 years and back then not very much. I have always rode street bikes.

Any pointers for riding this monster would be much appreciated.

I am just planning on doing some putting around on the trails and motorcycle parks. No MX! (for now).

Thank you!



Jun 17, 2001
Hold on tight and have fun

I just picked up a 500 and its baaaad!! Careful and have fun...soon as you get used to the explosive power you will love it......i think - as I have yet to get used to anything on my bike.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 30, 2000
Sandbar, NY
Sell it

Get rid of the 490, and get yourself an XR. Someone who hasnt ridden in a long time should not get on a 490. My .02.


Aug 25, 2000
I had one of those scoots. Thing always pinged on top no matter how rich I jetted it. Just short-shift the thing and you'll have a great time!


Jun 25, 1999
I ride a similar bike all of the time. Like mentioned above, short shift the bike and ride the bike a gear high. I also went with a 15 tooth sprocket on the front to mellow it out a little. The bike (mine at least) has a decent amount of flywheel weight so it doesnt rev as fast as a 250 does. The main thing to remember is that you have to ride it differently. What that means is: dont just start twisting the throttle. If you ride a gear high and short shift, than you will manage to stay out of the main hit on the bike (right on top). Mine has a pretty mean hit at the upper revs that comes on real fast. Nothing quite like the experience of pulling a wheelie in 5th gear on a fire road.


Jul 21, 1999
I got back into riding after a long layoff and started with a 91 WR500. I'd never even owned a 250 before that. My last bike before the 500 was an 81 Yamaha IT175 I bought new in 81. I didn't have any problem adapting to the 500. As mentioned, it has a soft lowend. I think that's got more to do with no powervalve than anything else, though. At any rate, the bike was extremely reliable, stable and fun to ride. Being air cooled and no power valve means less to go wrong but the cooling fins ring pretty good.

The YZ is a bit of different animal. Closer ratio tranny and smaller tank at least. Is that a 4 speed or 5? Some of the older 490's had only 4 speed trannys. Not that you needed any more gears for MXing.

To get rid of the pinging, send the head off to Noleen. They did a $60 or so head job on mine and it ran great after that. No more self destructing noises or pinging. I never touched the jetting from stock and I ran pump premium. I haven't heard anything from Noleen for a while. Are they still in business? Their phone number is/was 619-246-5000 and they're on the left coast.


Jun 25, 1999
Jeb is correct about Noleen. I had them do mine for $75 last year. Their number is now 909 340-2555. Ask for Steve.


Apr 18, 2001
One thing about the 490, invest in locktite! Those things vibrate like a womans toy! (OOPS SORRY LADIES) I used to ride one and the biggest problem i had was the nut holding the kickstart on would fall off and we'd lose the kick start! Make sure you check that often. Other then that the 490's are AWESOME bikes! Have fun!
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