
Feb 18, 2002
Hello Ladies,
I have been riding for only a couple years. My first bike was a ttr125L and a year ago decided to get a KX100 because of its pep and my size. I am just under 5'1". ( Please dont laugh when you're my size it all counts). I am happy with how quickely I picked up riding but find things to be slowing down. I enjoy both trails and MX. I'm not bothered with my performance in trail riding, however when kids on 80s fly by- I get a little discouraged. I am trying to master doubles right now. Well let me rephrase that- I'm trying to do doubles. My boyfriend tells me to case it and then I won't have anything to fear after that. This seems like good advice and I don't consider myself to be a coward- so I should be able to do it. But of course, that's not the case. I don't know, maybe I would feel better hearing this from a professional. Whats your advice?

P.S. I've been riding with all guys so its good to hear of this forum and any info ya'll would have to offer.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Welcome aboard. Are we not to laugh at your bike or your size? either way, we won't laugh - we've got women shorter than you & I think others are either on KX100's or have been. The only one we laugh at is Bbbom, she's the giant & rides a CR500 (and has a great sense of humour).

Can't help you with MX, I'm just a trail rider - got scared off MX years ago. One thing to remember about kids on 80's - they have no fear & heal quickly. As for hitting a plateau & staying there, don't worry, you'll get over it, just keep riding. I keep being told it's normal & everyone goes through them (yes, there are more than one, it's just continuous).

Also check out the techniques forum, there may be a thread there that'll help. Good luck in either case & don't be a stranger.


Aug 13, 1999
A giant - only in Malasia!!! :scream: I'm petite and dainty and you know it!!!;) Besides, GSR is taller than me.

Welcome to the site KX100Tita! Can't help you out on doubles, I ride trails mainly. My one and only big jump was on a make shift jump we found out in the woods :
Bbbom's big air ;)

My kids race and my son is determined to do the double this season (he's 9) so we'll see. My boyfriend's boss is giving us passes to the local MX track and said he'll provide loaner bikes for us to use since our 500's are a bit heavy with all the woods armor and oversize tanks.

So, we'll see how it goes!!

I used to ride with some women on KX100's and they were fast out in the woods. The only time they had trouble was in the really technical steep hillclimbs. Clutch & rev, clutch & rev while I'd go blub blub blub! :)
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Sponsoring Member
Jan 19, 2002
My wife rides a kx100 and likes to ride trails and track. She has been working to clear bigger jumps also. Its helped her a lot to keep her speed up through corners and all through the track. The bike is a little to snappy for her to get the speed up quickly and still feel comfortable enough to jump. Also we go to tracks that have doubles that are very forgiving if you dont clear it, so she can get a feeling for the speed and control. I wouldnt suggest going for a double that could mess you up if you dont make it. If you get hurt you probably wont want to try it for a while. My wife broke her collar bone a couple of years ago on whoops and just lately has she gotten her desire to fast again.
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