I think the corrosion issue is moot... The schrader valve is DESIGNED for air.. the bladder will not corrode, given a reasonable length of time... the oil doesn't even mix with the air... the ammount of water trapped in this tiny ammount of air (about 5 or 6 pumps with a pump the size of a hotdog) is inconsequential seeing as you only do it vary rarely, and everything inside can handle a drop of water... the aluminum can handle it with ease, as is demostrated with Mtn Bikes and MX forks... and finaly, should the bladder burst, the ammount of oil in the shock would not be condusive to an explosion, and it would requre a complete rebuild before reuse either way...
Am I right here?
I know an aircraft structural engineer for Northwest Airlines who told me that they use N2 in the tires of planes because it is inert and, should the tire blow, the gas from the inside of the tire would help to avert flame outs as opposed to fueling it. Not because it prevents corrosion. The corrosive effect of a stagnant ammount of air is limited due to the limit of air access.. (i.e.- oxidization consumes oxygen and is a slow proccess to begin with... you're dirtbike will die before the corrosion takes any noticable effect due to the very limited amount of fresh air to fuel the oxidization.)