No Dirtweek '04 for me???


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
As some of you know, my wife and I have been trying to have kids for a few years now. After her miscarriage, it's been a no go. :think: She had surgery in December and found out she has a birth defect and only has 50% of her essentials. Doctors still said we had great chances, but we've had no luck. And since all of this has to do with fertility, insurance won't cover a dime. We're getting tired of doctor visits and bills, fert. drugs, hormones, the constant encouragement by the doc's followed by disappointment. So we've started the adoption process. My wife's uncle and father have done/are doing mission work in the Ukraine. We got the official paper work last week. There is a GREAT need for children to be adopted in the Ukraine. Think of the worst possible conditions for an orphanage...that's the way it is in the Ukraine. Part of that process is a 3 week stay in the Ukraine, with a possible 3-10 day second trip. So depending on how long it takes us to get all the paper work gathered, notarized, and translated...we could be making a trip or two to the Ukraine this year...and coming home with our child(ren)!! :) According to everyone we've talked to, no one comes home with only one child. The conditions are that bad. It's a situation where we tour the orphanages and choose the child(ren) we want. So there is a very good chance I'm going to have to miss my first Dirtweek. This year would make 5 in a row (haven't missed one yet). But if we get to finally start our will be well worth whatever sacrifices we have to go through. The process is going to be pretty heavy on our finances too. Not sure if I'll get to keep my bike or not. We'll just have to see how everything falls into place.

Some of you have already shown your support to me and Mandy in our decision, and it is appreciated.

Just thought I would let you guys know what is going on in my world...


Jul 26, 1999
Wow...That's great news! Obviously, we will miss you, but I can't think of a better reason for you to miss this event. I know a guy in Chicago who just did the Ukraine adoption process, last year just before Christmas. I'm sure that it will be a blessing to you and your family.

Good luck, and let us know if we can help out in any way.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Good Luck with your quest. One of my best friends and his wife were lucky enough to adopt privately recently after many years of the same trials your enduring.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
We look forward to meeting your new little rider(s) at DW05! It's a great thing that you and Mandy are doing! :thumb:


Aug 25, 2000

Best wishes to you and Mandy. That's a great thing that you are doing. You'll be missed out in Oklahoma - but we'll be thinking of you and the expanding family.



Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Your priorities are exeptional. Good luck to both of you.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Those are going to be lucky babies!!!

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
dang! bad news about the misscarrige, man that has got to be tough. Good luck on the adoptions old buddy, from what i've seen of you , your family and friends, you guys will have answered some childrens dreams. i HAVE got to show up in a couple of years to hear your kids with that kentucky drawl mixed with a ukrainian flavor. bummer, just thought about that, now more kids to smoke me at turkey bay, ya see.....old whatshisname irish was worth something, when he showed up i was at least faster than one human being. :thumb: to you, you are truely the big guy with the big heart.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
My cousin and his wife adopted their daughter from an orphanage in Russia.
She is the blessing of their lives.
Best of luck to you both!


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Wow, sad that you're missing Dirtweek...but great that you are fulfilling your dream of starting a family. I wish you the best of luck!


Aug 18, 2000
Corey and Mandy, good luck to the both of you in fullfilling this dream. Maybe the next dirtweek you attend will be a family affair.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Thanks everyone!! This whole process is taking alot of time, effort, energy, and is one of the biggest decisions we'll probably ever make as a couple. We're just now figuring out what all paperwork we have to get ready in the US and in Ukraine, and it's exhausting to say the least. And it looks like we'll be spending anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks over there. We are registered at a semi-local agency in Southern Indiana, so there is a slight chance that will come about before we make it to Ukraine, but is very doubtful, due to the waiting periods here in the US. The positive support is greatly appreciated!

It's amazing how many friends I've made on DRN over the years. And I'm not talking about just aquaintances....but good friends. Guess this is a bit of an emotional time for myself and Mandy, but I'm getting a little teary eyed.

Wow, I haven't really thought of it taking my kids to Dirtweek. Is that cool or what!? :aj:

Thanks again.

And Sarge, I've just got one thing to say to you............. :thumb:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Best wishes to the two of you. A good friend & riding buddy had to have an ovary removed due to a cyst/cancer & was shocked when she fell pregnant with #3. She'd been told they'd only have the two kids & #2 wasn't a well little girl.

I'm glad there are people like you around. I get pissed off when people bitch about how unfair life is that they can't have their "own" children & won't even consider adopting.

One thing my parents did for both my sister & I, was when reading books to us about families, they'd always drop in the fact we were adopted. It wasn't because they don't love us as their own, but they just wanted us to know we were "special". When I was older, I'd be constantly asked when I got told & had to ask mum & got told we grew up knowing.

All the best with the endeavour, I'm sure it'll all work out. I do hope you're able to keep the bike & make it to DW :)


President of Bling
N. Texas SP
Nov 3, 2000
Good Luck.

The neighbors across the street from me adopted a baby from Russia. He is around 5 now. :)


Nov 7, 2000
Now there's a good reason to miss DW!! Best of luck Cal!!

Could not have said it better myself. Good luck with the process and I'm sure you will diffinatly make a little one or ones life that much richer. :thumb:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Good Luck to you both Corey. After several years of trying, one of my best friends was told she couldn't have children so they began the process of adopting from Russia. They decided to get 2 at the same time and while they were over there picking them up she found out she was pregnant! About a year later the orphanage called them up to tell them the little boy they wanted at first (long story) was now available so they went back for him. So all told she ended up with 4 kids all under the age of 3 at the time! :eek:

If you guys have any questions or just want to talk to someone with experience in this area feel free to let me know and I will be happy to put you in touch with my friend. I know she found it a great help to do the same when she first started on the journey you and Mandy are now embarking on.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Ill be pulling for ya on this one. You and Mandy will make GREAT parents. I hope all goes smooth in the paperwork and travel process. Good things happen to good people, so the 2 of you, (cough cough) I mean yall will be just fine.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Some people *should* have children, and you're definitely one of them. It's good to know that there will be another child (or 3) that will be raised right!


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
gospeedracer said:
They decided to get 2 at the same time and while they were over there picking them up she found out she was pregnant! So all told she ended up with 4 kids all under the age of 3 at the time! :eek:

That's exactly what Mandy is hoping will happen!

We may take you up on that offer and talk with your friend. We're going to a seminar this Saturday on Ukraine adoption and hope that will clear up some of the grey areas.

Thanks "Ya'll" <--Walt, that was for you. :)


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Figured I'd post an update:

As of now, it looks like we "probably" won't be adopting from Ukraine. After MUCH research and many conversations with our translator, it just doesn't seem like Ukraine adoption is feasable for a couple of our age and our criteria. We are pursuing the process with an agency just outside of Lousville, KY. Looks like we'll be adopting a bi-racial baby in 4 to 12 months if everything goes well. We do, however, plan to adopt from Ukraine later in life, and hope to do mission work over there in the mean time.

Still doesn't look like I'll be at Dirtweek or next year's Reno ride due to the cost of the adoption. But maybe by next Dirtweek....I'll still have a bike....and will bring the family. :yeehaw:

Continue to keep us in your thoughts through this process.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I dont' get it? you have to be a certain age to adopt a Ukrainian? They only like old people?

I would think any loving family would be acceptable, but what do I know . . . :|
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