No toil filer oil?


Feb 23, 2006
So I was cleaning my filter for the first time last night w/ no toil and I noticed that when i took it out. it was really sticky. i cleaned it and let it dry for like an hour. And reapplied no toil filter oil. I drenched it and squeezed out the excess, let dry for about 30 minutes but it's not really that sticky... Or not like it was when I pulled it out... Do i need to work it a little more? I made sure every single spot was completely covered and sqeezed it for a good 5 minutes to work it in...

Should that be fine?


Feb 23, 2006
okay I'll trust your experience. I just thought it would be REALLY sticky like glue but it's not...

Thanks~ from your jedi apprentice! ;)
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