
Sponsoring Member
Apr 12, 2001
I have a 1997 Yz 250. The motor was rebuilt by Pro-Action last year due to a broken crank. I bought the bike used and kinda got screwed so had barely any riding time on it before the crank problem. Anyway last year I was pretty slow and never really got in the upper part of the power band but every once in a while a would be on a long straight and hear a ckrickle noise. (Trying to spell it phonetically.) This year I have gotten a lot faster and as this happens a lot more now I'm kind of worried. I run 92 octane pump gas mixed with Amsoil 50:1. Not really sure what pinging sounds like but to assure myself it isn't a lean condition I bumped my main-jet from 170 to 175. The noise is not pingy or metallic sounding but I can't figure out what may cause it. I do run fiberglass reeds. Maybe bump up to carbon fiber as they are fluttering? When the noise occours the bike does not lose bog or cut off. And it repeats itself very quickly my dad compared it to a cricket when he was listening beside the track for whatever thats worth. It doesn't usally present itself until I get to a sand corner to sandy straightaway where the bike is revving really hard without moving foward vary fast. Once the noise occours it seems to happen easier for a couple of seconds. For instance when the noise occurs if I let of the throttle for a second or two then get back on it hard it will do it even at lower rpms. My book reccomends running 94 octane. Is part of the problem that I'm running 92? Would race gas help?
Thanks in advance for the help

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