the_monk said:
I'm 31, and just started riding dirt bikes last year. I've got a '99 KX250 that I'm learning to ride. I started on a [cough] '91 KTM300.
What's an age class?
Riders are bracketed by categories. Categories are:
-Skill level: e.g. A,B,C, etc... (A being the more experienced and C typically being the amatuers -
read on for editorial comment)
-Engine displacement: minis, 125's, 250's, open, etc
-Age: over 30, over 38, etc.
Skill level is paired with one of the other two. e.g.
-38C: would be riders older than 38 that are s'posed to be amatuers.
-250B: rider of bikes 250cc (mfg. engine size) of a intermediate skill level (B) of any age.
Based on your info, you could race either the 250C or +30C class. I'd suggest the 250C class as it is smaller and the +30C and +38C classes are both currently plagued with sandbaggers right now. Sandbaggers are the guys that are B riders, but just want to pick up some trophies by sandbagging in the C class. :|
They will get bumped hopefully. :think:
Go to for the full details.
Come on and race with us!