Club event, AMA format, tho neither card nor membership req'd. Non club members always welcome.
Those usually in attendance & contending for top honors (drum roll): brett r, The Eel, Holeshot, RMJeff, Thumbs, yours truly, placelast Jr., & (last but certainly shortest) extrashorty (Sat. afternoon kid's enduro.)
Minor problem: I only ran my ICO Promcomp twice before getting hurt earlier this year. Any volunteers to help with the programming would be much appreciated.
What is everyones schedule? Arriving Saturday or Sunday.........
At this point I will probably come up Saturday for the day and go back home. Returning Sunday before the start.
There's a lot happening that weekend - both vet moto clubs have interesting races and then there's the Elsinore GP. But I can only do one thing, so it's gonna be the TWMC enduro. Looks like I'll be healthy enough to go more than 1 mile this time :) and the November weather should be good. I may camp out this time (weather permitting).
I'll probably arrive Saturday to sort out/understand the computer thingy by running a short "mock" enduro. I've got a Watchdog, so I won't be any help to RMjeff.
Placelast,Eel--I really wanted to make this one, but family obligations take precident this weekend. Please let me know about the next one, as I'd like to try one!