Nov 2004 Elsinore Grand Prix (Harvey Mushman 100)


Jul 18, 2004
Does anyone know where I can obtain information (sign-ups, etc) for the Harvey Mushman 100 at Elsinore that will occur on November 14, 2004? The "goateyewear" site that had the 2003 info and on-line sign-ups doesn't have any info posted for the 2004 event. I have e-mailed them but have received no response. I've done Yahoo searches to no avail. If you have contact info for the 2004 event, please post it here. Thanks!


Jul 18, 2004
Harvey Mushman 100 in November 2004 (Elsinore Grand Prix)

Here I am posting a reply to my own inquiry (is this an electronic form of talking to myself?!?).

But seriously, for those of you who are interested in the 2004 Elsinore GP, I wanted to let you know that I finally got ahold of a guy on the phone at GFI Racing (via goateyewear in Riverside California). They are the official promoters of the Elsinore GP. The guy told me that they will be updating their on-line sign-up page for the Nov 2004 event at the end of August 2004. The Elsinore GP will occur on Saturday November 13 and Sunday November 14. The Harvey Mushman 100 (a 100 mile race around a seven(?) mile looped track) will occur on Sunday Nov 14. It usually costs about $100 per person to enter the HM 100. Check out the goateyewear website if you want to see last year's sign up sheet and event info. I imagine the info for the 2004 event will be very similar. :ride:


Jul 18, 2004
Harvey Mushman 100

And just in case there are some of you who may not know what the Elsinore Grand Prix is, it is an annual event that takes place in the town of Lake Elsinore in Southern California. The event was featured in the 70's movie "On Any Sunday." Steve McQueen and Malcolm Smith rode their Husqvarnas in the event, and Steve signed up with an alias of "Harvey Mushman" so as to not attract attention to himself. Event promoters later dubbed the 100-mile race the "Harvey Mushman 100" in honor of Steve McQueen. There are a number of races during the weekend of the event. The "biggie" is the HM100. Anywhere from 1500 to 2000 riders participate. Only about 10% of the riders take the event seriously. The rest of the riders ride the HM100 just for the fun of it (that is the category my Son and I will be in). :ride:


Jun 5, 2001
Thanks Harvey, sorry no one posted back yet. ol'89er is the #1 guy with info on that, he was probably sleeping for the last 4 days though! We were thinking of getting a group together to run that race, it'll be a blast. Everyone HAS to try it at least once in their life if you live and breath motorcycles. We'll post something in the SoCal Wrecking Crew section when it gets closer. Thanks again


Jan 27, 2000
a454elk said:
Thanks Harvey, sorry no one posted back yet. ol'89er is the #1 guy with info on that, he was probably sleeping for the last 4 days though!

:ohmy: Hey! Shut it copper. :yikes: It's only been 3 days. :nener:


Sounds like you got the phone number. Linda at GFI can answer any question you may have. You can probably use the info from last year since things don't change much from year to year.

This is a very fun event. I have ridden it since the 60's. Have yet to miss one.

Anyone that is thinking of riding this event had better do it this year. The town is closing in on the course and we lose a little bit of the course each year. Don't know how many more years Goat is going to be able to pull this off.

In the 60's I lined up in the row behind Malcom and Mr. Mushman. McQueen was a very good rider and a great guy. At that time we all started in one big group. Each line 10 seconds apart. They held a rope up in front of each line and lifted it at 10 second intervals.

It was kinda funny by the time they got back to about row 20 with all the excitment and overexuberant riders, many riders took off too soon with the rope wrapped around their necks. :laugh: Now they run us in classes.

Hope to see everyone out there. :cool:


Jun 5, 2001
Snap out of it rumplestiltskin!! It is electronically sanctioned by the US department of weights and measures now fool. The only thing you'll get wrapped around your neck is my hands when I choke you for beating me! :)


Jan 27, 2000
a454elk said:
The only thing you'll get wrapped around your neck is my hands when I choke you for beating me! :)

So. Are ya really going to ride it this year or are ya gonna have cramps or sumptin' like that again?? :moon:

We should do a DRN tag team in the Mushman this year. :yeehaw: If we got enough riders we would only have to do a couple laps each. :rotfl:

Ol'&goin back to sleep.


Jun 5, 2001
:moon: :moon:!!


Jul 18, 2004
Thanks OL89'r !!


Thanks for your post. I appreciate it. Wow, you have been riding the Elsinore for that long? That is very cool. It's also cool that you were right behind Steve McQueen and Malcolm Smith. I'm in Sacramento, but I grew up in SoCal. I used to go riding at Saddleback Park, Escape Country, and Rawhide Park in the 70's.

My 20 year old Son and I have never raced the Mushman. As soon as he saw On Any Sunday (about six months ago), he wanted to ride the Mushman. So, he and I are going to do it this November. We are looking forward to it!!

Do you have any comments on what the conditions are like? For example, is the track dusty? rocky? How big is the loop for the Mushman? Also, since I have never been to the event, is there anything I should be forwarned about? Any info or wisdom you are willing to share would be very much appreciated!!


....Rhon Herndon.


Jan 27, 2000
KDX200dad&son said:
Do you have any comments on what the conditions are like? For example, is the track dusty? rocky? How big is the loop for the Mushman? Also, since I have never been to the event, is there anything I should be forwarned about?
....Rhon Herndon.


The Mushman is the last race of the weekend. The track is usually hammered by then. Last year the loop was 6 miles and they remove a little more of the course each year. (thanks to development in the area.) They water the course and dust is not too much of a problem. By the time it gets dry everyone is pretty much spread out. It has been known to rain on that weekend also. :yikes: That gets real exciting especially on the street.

Enter the Unclassified race. It's the first race in the morning and it will give you a good idea of the course and a much better first lap, since you will know where you are going.

I would suggest running a little more tire pressure than you usually would. The rocks and sharp edge holes on the mountain road are pretty bad by the end of the day. Lots of flat tires. You can usually rail the corners to avoid some of them but, most are unavoidable if your running a fast line. Plus, the line gets closer and closer to the edge towards the end of the day.

A good start is paramount to a good finish. If you can sneak your way up to the front of the starting line it will help.

When you are on the mountain road,(the one that brings you back into town), be sure to concentrate. Don't look at the lake or countryside. If you break concentration there, it's a LONG WAY DOWN. :ohmy:

Be sure to wear all your protective gear. Especially knee and elbow guards. I have crashed a few times on the street sections over the years and it hurts like hell. Even ground completly through an elbow guard once. :(

If you are running a stock mx gas tank you will have to refuel. There will be places to set your pit crew up on Main Street for refueling and tire changes. If you have them, you might want to have a extra set of wheels ready in case of a blown tire.

Saddleback park, Rawhide, Escape Country! Dang! You'r an old fart too. ;) :laugh:

So, who else in the Crew is going to ride this year? Comm'on you pansies.
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