Ohio Riders


Apr 28, 2003
Looking for a place to ride in the Dayton / Cinci area. Anyone have some land or know someone that does? Could use some riding buddies too. :)


Aug 1, 2001
Haspin Acres is not too far away. 750 acres near laurel, indiana. two motocross tracks, dirt drag track, and miles and miles of woods riding. gotta watch out for the wheelchair riders around there though, and they do have a few places jeeps and 4x4's can go.


Apr 28, 2003
yea, i know about haspin. looking for some place closer i can go to after work. i hate having a bike and not being able to ride it but once a week. :(


Sep 14, 2000
There was a place down the street from the Dayton Motorcycle club, you have to pay like $200/year and they give you a key to the gate. It's 40 acres of woods. I don't know much more about it. If you find somewhere, I'll go with you, I work in Franklin.


Apr 28, 2003
I have a friend with 10 acres in Trenton. I ride there when I can't make it out anywhere. There are some trails around his place too. It's not bad for satisfying the need to ride.


Sponsoring Member
May 27, 2000
Here's what I know of: Haspin as mentioned (I didn't care for); New Vienna (decent and open again, but has some SX style jumps that I hated); Maysville KY (Earlywine; it's a mx track and not always open; haven't been there); Big Rock, also in Maysville (2,000 acres of off-road, haven't been there but have heard good things; no mx track that I know of); I've looked at the Dayton MC track and wasn't too impressed. Like you, I've been looking for a good regular place to ride without a long drive and with some interesting decent terrain and tracks. Still looking . . .


Apr 10, 2002
Best place Ive found to go in Dayton is where the old Stenger Ford dealership use to be, now a new Super Walmart.
Theres a little access road behind the Walmart that dead ends to a trucking company. You will see a guardrail that you can drive around to alittle dirt road. Although I have heard it might not be legal you wouldnt know it. The dirt road is widened since last year and ditch's that use to hold water are now filled. Theres parking for maybe 10+ vehicles.
What makes it nice is theres a very large sandpit that seems to be maintained with decent berms and whoops, great for the rainy wet days of winter/spring.
This weekend the wooded area was dry enough for us to run in. Theres trails but in the middle of the trails there is a short course thats grooved very nicely. This also seems maintained since they have cut thru an area and added a decent table top maybe 4+ feet up and 25 feet out. Theres jump similar height in the beginning of the course with no landing though, can be bi-passed. The summer months are cool with the tall fine grass coming in and you can really get ripping in the longer course and the grass seems to really hold you up in the turns.
This weekend I counted maybe 10 guys running around the area but its large enough that I never saw any of them.
Theres only 4 of us that go out there together and we are always looking for other. You can email me at ruffman1@aol.com, your more then welcome to join.

As for the Dayton Motor Cycle Club, I'm currently with them also and there only $20 to join, but you have to go through a 1 year+ probation before you get a key to the gates. Not a big deal since 9 times out of 10 when you want to ride someone is there, very friendly group of members. They have meetings on Wenesday night at 8 oclock and anyone is invited. They run many event thru the year you can ride or help with including the hill climbs in Orgonia Ohio, very sweet thing to see. I think I got more pics of enebrated girls doing there thing then the bikes, haaaaaa


Apr 28, 2003
Thanks for the info. Email sent. Can always use more riding buddies :)


Sep 14, 2000
ruffman said:
Best place Ive found to go in Dayton is where the old Stenger Ford dealership use to be, now a new Super Walmart.
Although I have heard it might not be legal you wouldnt know it.
If it's not a public riding area, which it's not, then it's private property. If you don't have the owners permission then it's illegal, which it is. Put is this way, can I come to your house and do donuts in your yard because is doesn't have a no trespassing sign?


Apr 10, 2002
Well the managers and employees stand out side and watch. Also the ridding areas are groomed as I was stating which would mean that someone that works there is using the frontloader that they leave back there to keep the area up. They fill the holes so no water stands and continue to keep the area clean. People keep up on there own trash and there has been no trouble that I have heard of back there speaking with many different people, saying the palce has been riden to some extent for the last 50 years. If your the kinda of guy that likes to kick donuts they might not like you back there since thats kind of a noob thing to do and you might get hurt and ruin it for the rest of us.


Sep 14, 2000
You miss the whole point. If you don't know if it's legal, then it's probably not. It's ignorant people like you that get the legal places closed by giving motorcycles a bad name. The fact is, the area you are riding is not open to the public and I know the police can and will tell you to leave. If you want to ride there then I encourage you to ask the owner for permission and get it in writing. And yes I can do donuts on MY property, I don't trespass on others land.
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Apr 10, 2002
Thanks for the input.
Next time im riding there I'll think about what you said and on the way home planning for the next day of riding there again Ill make sure we all talk about our ignorance.
And next time I go and speak to the cop that came over to tell me he thought my truck looked nice while I was loading my bike from a day of riding, I'll mention to him my ignorance of riding there and ask that he shoot me to help save the planet from people like me.
Im glad you brought this to my attention

BTW: Can I come over and kick donuts in your yard with you? Do you have some way of judging who is doing it better so we can have a kick-a-donut competition?


Sep 14, 2000
Think about this. Nobody there signed a liability waiver. If you are in an accident you may get sued. Or they may sue the owner, then he will be sure it's closed down. How about I come take your truck without your permission, just like you use land without permission.


Nov 4, 2002
If you are wanting trails to ride, your are pretty restricted in the Miami Valley area... Treaty City MC Club has a few trails... Have to join the club and work first couple of years. Dayton has already been mentioned. Kenworthy's, you join and work and it is a lot of work since they run the Pro Nationals in July... Usually HOT and HUMID!

As for tracks... Not a whole lot close, but lots in the "area"... Here is a good site for District 11 tracks.




Mar 1, 2004
400 acres in my backyard!

People who ride on land that are not welcome make our sport look bad in general! At least my neighbor is nice enough to post signs that say... Property owned by the Ropers enter at your own risk. I put up signs that say please keep this area clean. Nice place to play ride without the worry. It's nice to have good neighbors and the don't even ride! Thanks to NE Ohio Trail Riders and the addition to House Bill 286 perhaps thing will start looking up. :thumb:


Mar 1, 2004

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
Hey Dead, come down to New Straightsville this weekend. There's a Harescramble I'm sure you'd enjoy. I did one a couple weeks ago and almost WAS Dead, haha.. This southern Ohio Mud is worse than Ice.


Apr 28, 2003
Bill Hibbs said:
Hey Dead, come down to New Straightsville this weekend. There's a Harescramble I'm sure you'd enjoy. I did one a couple weeks ago and almost WAS Dead, haha.. This southern Ohio Mud is worse than Ice.

Can't this weekend... Going to Hatfield and McCoy with KelvinKDX and a few other guys. Yehaw!

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
Cool, Buckeye Billy and Ralph are going as well this weekend. They'll be there Saturday and Sunday. Look for them in a Nissan Frontier or a new F150. They were at DW with us last year if you remember them.

Have fun!


Apr 28, 2003
Bill Hibbs said:
Cool, Buckeye Billy and Ralph are going as well this weekend. They'll be there Saturday and Sunday. Look for them in a Nissan Frontier or a new F150. They were at DW with us last year if you remember them.

Have fun!

Oh really! Got a cell # you could email me? Would be cool to meet up with them and share some dinner and stories.

email it to me @ kevin@deadtoself.net


Mike R.

May 1, 2004
Ride there now and you will know it because there are signs placed in the middle of the trails.
It never was legal and but, they never enforced it. But, now its a whole new story.
A buddy of mine got a ticket for riding there prior to them putting up the signs.
I personally prefer to ride where I dont have to look over my shoulder :cool:
As far as that old gravel pit goes: Its Closed :bang:


Apr 10, 2002
Just there yesterday and didnt them. Talked to 2 truckers while we were loading and unloading. Spoke with a cop last year that was checking out my truck and was talking about wanting a new truck himself. Saw a lady come running out 2 years ago telling a guy in a jeep to get his vehicle out or she would call the cops, "no 4wheeling". She was saying all this while we were sitting there on our bikes watching 20 feet from her.
I guess my bikes invisable or they have seen me ride and know I couldnt tear up a pillow :yeehaw:

I am looking for somewhere else to ride just cant find anything withing 30 minutes of my house.
Hoping in the next year or so to have a house in the outshirts, SugarCreek area would be nice. You guys will be more then welcome to tear up my yard. I hate cutting grass :)


Apr 28, 2003

I was out there one day just walking around and some good'ole boy pulled up and dumped a bed full of brush and other yard junk. I went up and talked to him for a couple minutes about the area and he said he's been out to this spot for 20 years riding dirt bikes, quads, 4wheeling, and dumping brush.

pics of the area


Apr 10, 2002
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