
Jan 19, 2004
rpmRMiam said:
Is it still cool to ride there? I think I may head over there. ;)

Are you talking about Leavittsburg near Warren? If so the last time I was there, there were no tresspassing signs around the railroad track area everyone used to park at. I'm not sure about the actual sand dune area. Where abouts in Cleveland area are you? Maybe we should hook up sometime. :cool:


Jul 7, 2005
I guess it is near warren. From what I have read, you park at Denman tire on diehl Rd. near rt.5. I have not been there yet but with the shortage of riding around Cleveland, its worth a look.

Hey KX02, are you the guy with the 05 KX250 we met at Bear Creek/Wolf MX? I am the guy with the RM with red michelins. Well, either way, we should hook up. I went to a buddys mx track last night, thurs, and it was cool!!! Any skill level can have a good time there. It is in Columbia Station near rt.82 and station rd. Consider yourself invited. Riders meet there thursday 4pm till dark. Some people bring thier girlfriends :yikes: There is usually a beer party around the fire after dark. Anyone who wants to hookup for riding or compare notes on riding areas send me an email [email protected] or post up here on drn. I am also wondering what the dune area is like? Is there jumps, trails or hillclimbs in the area? Thanks for the replies KX02 and everyone.


Jan 19, 2004
Duh, I feel dumb. Yeah it's me. I was wondering if that was you. I have to work tomorrow morning, but tomorrow is supposed to be great weather, so I'm probably bringing my bike to work with me and heading straight to Bear Creek afterwards. Should be there before 1. Leavittsburg is at least half shut down now, not worth the drive anymore. :( Hope to see you tomorrow. :cool: I definitely want to check out your friends place too!

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