OHV places in Southern California


Apr 9, 2007
I don't know where else to post this but I have collected a few rides myself and eventually made a website listing those places. I included specs, pictures, and some maps to help you guys out.

You are able to post your own places and provide pictures if you have them. All the trails are for enduro...no racing and only a few desert rides. This is really just to help other riders to have fun.
Somehow I am not able to post my link but if you guys interested I can provide to you some other way.




Apr 9, 2007
I dont know why I couldnt post a link...maybe I am too new to do that.

I don't know if my bike is enduro but the people I ride with have enduros which at KDX's. I also dont do the enduro races. We just do very long rides like 50+ miles a day through tight trails.
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