
Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
Just a little too hot going into that last corner! :eek:

'Carver to the rescue again!


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Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Now if that had been some steep knarly root infested uphill starting from a creek channel, well o.k. but heck, my grandma can ride roads like that and not fall over....and she only has one leg.
Glad you're o.k. too. Nothing hurt but your pride, so I thought I rub it in a little.
(Here in Northern CA too dang hot and dry to ride right now, so I'm jelous of any riding off pavement, even if it's a gravel driveway)


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
Well I was travelling behind this giant dust storm that Carvr was kicking up, maybe a little to fast, corner caught me off guard!

I radioed Carvr and he was there within a couple minutes. He even had me lay next to the bike for a reenactment!

At least I did not lose it on Golden Stairs! (See pic below)
Look for the trail near the center of photo

Second photo is same spot just looking up the trail

I felt like I was a Mountain Goat!


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Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Photo 2 is much more like it. Trails that include sidehills that can prop the bike up without a kickstand are great fun. I thought for a minute CC came looking for you and found you taking siesta break in the first set of photos.
(Either that or you beat him to the beer stash and promptly finished his as well as yours and that's how he found you)
If that second set of photos is more like the riding in your area, Doug and I are definatly going to come make a visit to you and Brad.


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
It was an amazing ride up there!

I could not imagine doing it without the RB carb mod and Steahly flywheel weight, without those 2 mods you better have a 4 stroke on Golden Stairs.

It was nothing but a 5 mile rock infested zig-zagging, swithback cliffhanger of a trail all the way to the top!

I can't believe how sore I am today, my abs, my thighs, my arms... ugh!

But I'm ready to go again!! :aj:


Oct 14, 1999
Wibby's pics are from the Prospect OHV system (Rogue National Forest). They advertise 250 miles of 'trails' but most of that is shared use road. Lots of pretty scenery for sure, but little in the way of single track, nothing you would call 'technical.'

A lot of Prospect that isn't shared use road is quad track stuff. Again..pretty scenery and fun to ride, but nothing technical.

The John's Peak area has much more to offer if you're interested in single track..and it can get as nasty as you want it to be. Problem with that area is it is closed in the summer due to fire restrictions. I think it was open until the end of July this year...generally re-opens by the end of October. There have been postponed local club rides (Ghost-n-Goblins Poker Run) recently into November because of extended fire danger.

If youse guys are headed this-a-way, Spring is the best time for John's Peak. Prospect generally opens the first of July...although some of the higher trails will still be snow covered. If you're a gambler, try for about the 3rd week of July and they BOTH might be open!

We'll take you for a spin or two! ;) Heck, we could maybe even ride Grayback (Siskiyou Forest) then. Snow would be iffy......

C'mon up!


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Calender is marked. I'll talk to Doug and see if he is game. Anyone else interested?
Come on guys, let's make CC and Wibby work and put a ride on for us! I like Corona Lite BTW.


Oct 14, 1999
You marked what for when?

Keep in touch for weather/closure updates. Prospect pretty much DOES open on 7/1..but it has closed as early as the 3rd week of July, too (couple years back). The folks running the show (the RD ranger and the OHV super) are pretty much pro-OHV types. Besides, the state of Oregon said, 'Hey! Why are we giving you all the OHV tag money for you to open only three weeks a year? 'Eh? Want bucks....stay open!'

There is always the dunes. You guys want a sand ride, too? Maybe my wife will let me borry the banshee fer that.........I can watch you guys fall over and pick sand out of your nose(s).

You have both Wibben's and my email addy. Keep us posted.

Corona lite? Huh? What.......that takes only small lime wedges? You can't get much lighter than plain 'ol Corona, can you?

Well...there are the Coronita's..............but they're lighter only cuz they're smaller......;)

Next local club ride is Ghost-n-Goblins....end of October. That's a fun ride with good people.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
I keep the calender marked for any techical single track anytime it's in good shape to ride. (That means not dusty. I got plenty of that right here).
Here's a link to an area close to where I live and ride:
Some of the photos show guys getting off their bikes to help spot on the difficult parts or to scout ahead. That's for wimps. No spotters and no previews. That's the best.


Nov 18, 2002
canyncarvr said:
If youse guys are headed this-a-way...We'll take you for a spin or two! ;) Heck, we could maybe even ride Grayback (Siskiyou Forest) then. Snow would be iffy......

C'mon up!

Set a date and i'm there! Heck Grayback is halfway between us! I'll even bring Corona's (non light) :-)



Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
nothing you would call 'technical.

nothing you would call 'technical?

I'd call Goldenstair pretty technical!

It's got freaking CLIFFS! :yikes:

Corona's? huh? :rotfl:

Guess I'll bring the Obsidian then! :aj:


Oct 14, 1999
Let us not allow a presumption from the unlearned that beer has anything to do with riding. We all know that is not part of the DRN mantra and we don't want no sullying of this sport, no reference (even jokingly) to such diabolical behaviour having anything to do with the joys of dirtbiking.

Mr. Tahoe:
I was asking what dates you were considering.

Cliffs won't bother you...unless you fall off of one.

We'll keep you posted, Morie.
Last edited:


Dec 27, 2002
Calender is marked. I'll talk to Doug and see if he is game. Anyone else interested?

I'm trying to keep my calendar open for the "Ghost & Goblins" run. But hey!...

I keep the calender marked for any techical single track anytime it's in good shape to ride.

...that sounds like my version of fun, so if you're willing to play with a big team, count me in!

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