G.I. Raid Struck Taliban Leader's Compound
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 — The airborne commando raid into southern Afghanistan overnight Friday attacked a military airfield and a headquarters compound of Mullah Muhammad Omar, the Taliban's leader, in a daring strike to uncover information about the location and activities of Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders, the Pentagon said today.
**The Rangers left behind a calling card: 8 1/2- by 11-inch sheets that said "Freedom Endures," with a picture of firemen raising the American flag at what appeared to be the World Trade Center, a defense official said. :)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 — The airborne commando raid into southern Afghanistan overnight Friday attacked a military airfield and a headquarters compound of Mullah Muhammad Omar, the Taliban's leader, in a daring strike to uncover information about the location and activities of Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders, the Pentagon said today.
**The Rangers left behind a calling card: 8 1/2- by 11-inch sheets that said "Freedom Endures," with a picture of firemen raising the American flag at what appeared to be the World Trade Center, a defense official said. :)