"other" brand pit bikes


Nov 27, 2006
Hey i want to buy a pit bike this summer. But i dont want to spend $5000 on a new one like a kawi, suzuki, or honda. What are some good "other" brands to look at?

I would prefer to buy one where I dont have to buy a bunch of other parts to get it to run, like handlebars. Like an almost race ready bike. it doesnt have to have the fancy suspension though.

thanks in advance


Nov 27, 2006
i dont know but does anyone know about how much these cost? they seem to be built pretty good.

heres one more question. Would i be better off buying something like that or buying a cheaper used say klx110 and saving up for a while and slowly upgrading that?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Chinese built? Yes. Then again so is Yamaha's TTR50 as well as a few other big name bikes. It has absolutly nothing to do with where the bike is built and everything to do with the quality of the parts and assembly. Most of the crap bikes people associate with China are just that crap parts and assembly, then again expecting anything more for what little money they have spent on them is a pipe dream. You get what you pay for applies to every consumer product available be it made in Germany, the USA, Japan or China. Both a Whopper and prime rib come from cattle but they don't cost the same.

Built pretty good? Heck yes! That was the whole idea, to build a excellent quality bike that doesn't need a ton of aftermarket upgrades (most all which are made in China for these aftermarket suppliers BTW!) and as an added bonus supply parts for the bikes we sell.

JD you have a PM from me.
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