our honeymoon plans ruined..thanks to Spirit Incentives


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Phil and I are getting married July 31 (this year). Back in Sep. I won a 3 day 2 night all inclusive trip to Mexico. We had to go to a showing of their product, but that was ok. We got our voucher. But you can't send it too early..anyway I sent it out in May. They send it back saying "postmark was not w/in 60 days of dates chosen", Your 3 dates were not 30 days apart. Not sure how I missed that in the terms and conditions. One of my dates was valid, but then invalid b/c the 2 other dates weren't w/in 30 days of the previous date. So everything was denied. They only deal w/snail mail. So I can still use the voucher, only thing is it will be WAY after our wedding. The whole idea was to use it for our honeymoon.
Bad part is, we have money saved up. Only enough to cover spending money. Not enough to pay for a trip. So neither of us is very happy w/this place now. The paper just says "dates must be 30 days apart". I didn't realize that it would void all three. Plus I KNOW I mailed that the 3rd wk of May. It wasn't at the beginning of the month like they are saying.
My question is what do we do now? We were planning on bringing the bikes to check out a few tracks down there. Florida panhandle and in Alabama.
So now I'm depressed I was really looking forward to this trip. I'm sorry I'm complaining. Just had to vent for a few minutes...
Have to go figure out something different I guess...


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Bummage!!!!! Have you thought about going to another timeshare presentation so that you can score another 3-day holiday?? I always wanted to do that, but was afraid I would cave and actually buy the timeshare. Maybe the dates will work on this one.


May 23, 2004
That does suck but the way people plan weddings these days are so different then back when the bride's parents pay for the wedding,getting married in a church w/ all the traditional suits & gowns,then off to a honeymoon to some paradise. I know alot of people who just get married in a hall w/ all there friends and don't have there honeymoon until weeks or months later (or years). I know my wedding was in a hall and we had no dress code and didn't take our honeymoon until the next day ( which was only a three hour drive from where we lived at the time.) We didn't get to go to anywhere super fancy but we ended up using most of the shower gift money that we got to pay for it. You said you still will be able to go there but not until after you're married but at least you'll still get to go (something to look forward to) and for now just take a mini honeymoon so at least you'll be able to have some fun now. I don't know if any of what I said is what you were hoping to hear cuz I know that I would be pissed off too but it will work out. I also hate to sound corny & geeky but if I had it all to do over again I wouldn't care if I had elope or whatever just as long as I was married to a great guy.


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
I'm sorry to read of your frustrations. The headache of trying to cash in on the 'freebies' from timeshare companies almost guarantees they don't get your business. Have you tried contacting a hotel in the area that you are planning on visiting? You would be surprised what they have to offer for newly-weds. Sometimes all you have to do is ask them. I know Vegas has MANY cheap honeymoon packages. They aren't always advertised so it's worth it to call and inquire. I wish I could offer you more advice. Congratulations on you future wedding and I hope the honeymoon plans go smoother for you. Chin up chica. ;)


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Thanks everyone. I found out that my dad has a buddy that works for him. The guy has a timeshare in Orlando that he NEVER uses and told my dad, "you're a great boss, you ever need some time away let me know..use my timeshare for free.." So I have to tell Phil about it. He's not home from work yet. If we did that, we can still hit some tracks (and trails) and maybe check out Universal Studios..haven't been there yet. All the others in the Orlando area I have been to (Disney World, Gatorland Zoo, Busch Gardens..etc). Might be kind of fun.
Dede: yeah, you're right. He is a great guy, and we have both been looking forward to the "big day" for months now. He completely surprised me w/the engagement. He's awesome though, I couldn't have done any better. So maybe using it at a later date would be ok
Dirty~D~ I didn't know that hotels offered specials packages. A good friend of mine is the Assistant manager at the Country Inn here in town. I can get his rate (and stay free) sometimes.
GETMETOCA: No I haven't thought about going to another presentation. Might have to look into it again...

What really makes me mad is that the dates WERE postmarked before the 3rd of this month. That place is full of it. I mailed it out right after my best friends wedding (May 1). It takes 5 days for a letter to get from MI to FL.
I'm searching online now for other possibilities...thanks everyone. I lfeel a little better. Still mad at the place. I told themI was going to call the Better Business Beareu (sp) They said oh well...UGH



May 23, 2004
MXGirl230: That's cool to hear about the time share idea. I hope everything works out for you. I love the idea that you'll be doing some trail/track riding while on the honeymoon. I wish both me and my husband were riding way back when we got married cuz we could have built a honeymoon around riding all kinds of trail adventures. Who knows, maybe one of our anniversary we can go on one. I've been on & off just searching for guided dirtbike tour packages in different states. That would be a blast.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Dede: We had originally talked about that a long time ago...but then I won that trip and that was kind of dropped. So now we are just going to have fun, enjoy our time together and do what we love to do. Phil wanted to go to the Millville National the weekend after our honeymoon..but getting from Florida to Minnesota will be difficult. So maybe we'll catch Steel City in September.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
MXGirl: the honeymoon is just a time to unwind before having to embark on married life, the important thing is the fact you're announcing to your friends & family the fact you love each other enough to commit to a life together. The wedding's pretty immaterial too, it's just something you do to keep the family happy ;)

Dede: that's the thing - your plans would've been different if you'd been riding back then, but it was who you were then, if you've changed together that's way cool. Henk & I often discuss what we'd do if we were getting married now & that's changed from a few years back - it still involves dirtbikes though. I think a 2nd honeymoon would be the way to go, I'm just not sure where. Friends of ours are in Bali at the moment having a 2 week riding holiday & having a ball ;) I'd almost be jealous, but would love to show Henk some of the sights I saw last year over there and for him to meet some of you gals & guys. Ah, life's too short, money's overrated ;)

Best of luck for the upcoming wedding, try not to stress too much, it will work out fine, whatever you do.


May 23, 2004
You got a point Michelle. How long have you and Henk been married if you don't mind me asking? I just realized that my wedding anniversary is the day after MXGirl is getting married. Me and my husband got married on a saturday morning August 1st. It's going on 12 years. Wow, time flies.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Dede said:
You got a point Michelle. How long have you and Henk been married if you don't mind me asking? I just realized that my wedding anniversary is the day after MXGirl is getting married. Me and my husband got married on a saturday morning August 1st. It's going on 12 years. Wow, time flies.
We've been married almost 7 1/2 years, got married a few months before I turned 30. The scariest thing is my sister will have been married 21 years this year. I still remember mum & dad's 25th wedding anniversary party & to think sis is almost there is just mind blowing. Every now & then dad asks if I want to see the video of our wedding, but somehow, I just can't face that.

MXGirl, I'm sure you'll have a fun time whatever you do & it is something you don't forget in a hurry (hell, I'm doing my best but it still haunts me).

One thing we do every year, is on our wedding anniversary we do something different or go out for a meal with different people. I guess it's our way of at least changing with the times & it does actually mean something. (plus it's a way of keeping track how many years we've been married lol).

Anyway, all the best for the upcoming ceremony & holiday :) Dede, happy anniversary for the 1st :)


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Thank you everyone...I'm starting to get nervous. My ulcer is coming back :ugg: , I worry too much. I'm 22 and I'm falling apart :( I'm trying to make sure everything is ready, keep my mom calm (and myself). I'm really looking forward to this, just really nervous about the whole thing. gotta stop though, before I make myself sick or something.


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
Hang in there chica. You'll be alright. Take a break from planning your wedding and go get yourself pampered. :cool:


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Sounds like a good idea, especially after a weekend of RRREEEEEEEEEEEDDD BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


May 23, 2004
I agree w/ dirtyd, pamper yourself. I'm sure your wedding day will be great. Of course something will probably go wrong but that's what makes great memories & stories. I'm not saying that to be a jerk, I'm just saying don't get stressed out over things out of your control. Just take it as it is and you'll have a great time. My wedding was suppose to be outside but it rained that day so we had it in the hall. My father paid for free drinks (why oh why) and just about everyone was hammered by noon time. Yes noon, my wedding was in the early morning. The after party was even more interesting. There was almost a couple of fights that broke out. But like I said before, the main thing was to be marrying such a great guy and I got through the wedding just fine.
PS. I also got married at 22.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I'm mostly worried about the whole walking down the aisle part. I'm not the most graceful person in the world...one reason why my nickname (at work) is Crash... I think the reason why everyone is so nervous is b/c I'm the oldest of my parents 3 kids. I'm the first in the family to have a wedding. My parents were married by a justice of the peace. I'm the first of my Grandma's grandkids to get married AND not have any kids yet (My bro. and sis. don't count) So everyone is really nervous, happy, etc...I just want it to be overwith. 25 more days...Thank you dirty~d and Dede, I feel slightly better.


May 23, 2004
Hey MXGirl230: if you say you're not the most graceful person in the world how about you ride your dirtbike down the aisle. That would maybe be more comfortable for you plus how much fun would that be (and different). hee,hee :)


Apr 1, 2001
I just married off my oldest daughter 2 weeks ago, (she's 23), and I made sure I held her up as we walked down the aisle 'cause she was shaking like a leaf! Is your father walking you down the aisle? If so just remember that he'll be there to steady you and you'll be fine!


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Yeah, my dad is walking me down. I'll be shaking, I'm sure. One reason why I'm NOT wearing heals (and heals hurt anyway, and I'm not graceful enough)..so I have the plain 'ol Adidas tennis shoes :D The ladies at David's Bridal couldn't believe me...it's MY wedding I'll wear what I want. There was one who said a lot of brides wear tennis shoes. I like them, I can't slip and fall, or anything...I'm sure I'll be fine, after everything is over.


Aug 13, 1999
You could wear your elbow guards and knee/shin guards under your dress too, just in case. I think the Chest protector and helmet would be a bit too much but the other stuff wouldn't show, unless your dress doesn't have long sleeves. You could use the helmet & CP if you decorated them nicely in macaroni & glitter though. :)

Seriously, relax and enjoy your big day! Take some deep breaths before you walk down the aisle, look at the people you love and give them a big ol smile as you pass, it will help you relax. Unless that makes you more tense then just look straight ahead and keep taking deep breaths - what works for some doesn't work for others.

You will be fine and everything will work out just fine, maybe not as planned but some of my favorite memories are events that didn't go as planned.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
dirty~d~ said:
go get yourself pampered. :cool:

That's such good advice, I think I will take it too. Think I'll leave work early today and go get 'cured.

:yeehaw: Pink Toes!! Pink Toes! No wedding required.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Thank you, I'm slowly starting to not be as nervous. I'm actually really looking forward to this. All of the advice given is very helpful, I appreciate every bit of it.
I think when we do the garter thing, I might wear my white Tech 8's :D, Phil will kill me. I am realizing there are a lot of things we haven't taken care of, yet. Centerpieces, garters, final travel plans, anyone know of any good tracks between Michigan and Florida?? We know of WFMP and NFMP. As soon as I find my atlas I can give the exact route we are taking. I want to take Phil through central Tenn. so he can see the Mountains in that area.
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