Our Next battle: Colorado!


Jul 21, 1999
For those of you that have ridden the dirt bike utopia called Colorado, and for those of you that just hope to someday, we are in danger of losing a wonderful riding area.

This article ran in the Rocky Mountain News yesterday (2/4/03)

Representative Udall does not accept e-mail from "non-consitiuants" according to the Blue Ribbon Web site...So anyone know who to contact?



Sep 21, 2001
Just tell them to have a look at Oz.....where I live we lost over 400 houses and 4 people last week to bushfires ...bloody terrifying.......wanker greenies have proposed the roadless option and some of it is locked up for non existant bushwalkers, but after what occured here I think would have convinced anyone that firetrails need to open and maintained. Roadless forest amounts to uncontrollable fire risks especially when its so dry and the wind is doing 90mph.


May 3, 2000
I know some Coloradians are going to get mad at me, but I hate Boulder and there left wing, tree hugging politics. People in Boulder always need something to fight even though they don't understand how it affects other people's lives. I wonder if good ole Mark Udall ever went dirtbiking or took his kids in the White River forest. I guarentee that if he did, he wouldn't have brought this bill to the table. Our forest's are for the people's use and should be protected, but not by banning their use. That is why they are called public land for the people. You get some hot headed Boulder eco freek politician who wants to take away our hobbies and our fun. I just don't get it. I do agree with restriction especially with our dry summer last year, but if I remember correctly none was caused by off road vehicles. Just my 2 cents. Oh BTW. Did I mention I HATE politicans who fight for there own causes and not the peoples.




Aug 13, 1999
Mark Udall's Press Release from his Website:


note he states:

I’m seeking input from all the interested parties so that we can reach consensus on protecting these breathtaking areas for future generations,” said Udall, whose district includes Eagle and Summit Counties.

Who to contact, everyone can address the issue to their very own State Reps
which you can locate here: http://www.house.gov/

Of course Ms. Norton, Secretary of the Interior has some pull on the issue I'm sure. You can find her here: http://www.doi.gov/secretary/

For Rep Udall, himself, letters and phone calls can go here:

Mark Udall
Colorado-2nd, Democrat
115 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0602
Phone: (202) 225-2161

Even if you do not live there, get your opinion into Mr. Udall and everyone else because you may want to visit there!


Jul 21, 1999
Thanks BBBOM!

Nice of him to "place this out for public comment" yet he only accepts e-mail from consituents (sp) in his area!

Sending letters/emails NOW! :thumb:


Jan 19, 2003
Go to the site that bbboom was taking about enter the zip code 80027 and you can e mail him I just did it was very Easy. Please do this I'm a native here and I need your help. Im a pretty nice guy too I would do it for you!:)


Apr 1, 2001
I'm sorry to see that you native Coloradans have had to tolerate such an influx of migrant Kalifornians to your great state. We're happy to get rid of a few of our eco-terrorists, but now I hear they're ruining all the places they're moving to.

I guess the only good thing is that now more people are aware of their agenda and are joining our side!:thumb:


Feb 6, 2003
why are these nuts still around?! oh yeah, cuz people vote for them. will voters ever get a clue? i agree with bedell, etc. these doggone "boulder democrats" are so "let's-preserve-everything-by-banning-people-from-it" insane that they are a royal friggin pain in the butt. "preserve it for future generations" - WHAT?!? so they can't use it either?!? NUTS, man.

kind of ironic that the democrats are ALWAYS wanting to raise taxes, too. and they want to take the (public) land we pay for away from us. so we pay more and get less. must... restrain... myself.

funny how these econazis will walk a thousand miles to find a trail, or some other sign of human activity, and immediatley deem it a threat to "future generations" if it's other than a foot trail, whereby declaring it necessary to immediately cease and desist with all activities causing anything other than the activity THEY enjoy would cause. saps.

these folks lack vision. they are deluded into thinking they are bambi lovers and the recreationalists are some terrible locusts that will destroy all and must be stamped out. they are threats to all who look at recreation in the outdoors as a viable means to health and happiness. unless hiking is all you do!

i know this sounds a bit opinionated and harsh, but i'm so sick of hearing and feeling the results of this insanity. i (nor my young kids) can ride anywhere in city limits on public land. can't ride on private land without permission. so, even though we have open fields all around, we are prohibited from them (got cops called on me once), so we must travel to ride the bikes. then the treehuggers feel obligated to use tax money to purchase all the surrounding land and ban recreation from it, causing us to drive further. notice that the further you go for something, the less you can do it. now they are after any land that the public is using for recreation, wherever it is! so me and family get to do what and when? they are trying to force me off ANY outdoor land unless all i, and my family, do is hike. this makes me angry.
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