helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
flapwick said:
For the record....the scratched portion on the left side plate is from being rubbed hard for a half an hour by my son's Suzuki RM 85 in the trailer. It does not scratch easily. I'm just hoping someone from Krylon is reading these posts and will hire me,at great expense,to do commercials and testamonials for them. "It's not just a spraypaint,it's a way of life!" Or maybe...."Tastes great!Less sanding!" Or maybe...."Got Fusion?" Or maybe...."I can't read or write,I fart in public places,my name is flapwick and I can't look in a mirror without shrieking and crying,but with Krylon Fusion...I can paint a fender like a pro." I am headed for the big time,people.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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