
2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Ok, here's my recap of today's ride!

Excellent ride as usual. Pulled in today to find Nathan waiting in the parking lot. RM_guy was gone off to ride already and scout the trails. I BS with Nathan awhile and Flyin Scot pops up around the corner. Nathan reminds me of the water splashing he owes me and warns me to expect it sometime soon. :eek: Everyone shows up except Chief Wiggam and his crew and Ranger Dan (Scooter). Scooter arrives and proply hides his truck in the back of the parking are so no one sees he's hauling a Honda (Squeaky's). Scooter said he didnt want the value of his truck to increase due to the Honda. So he unloads it quickly and sticks it by my truck. Great, now everyone will think i caved in to the Carmicheal craze and bought a Honda. :(

Chief Wiggam finally shows up, they must of been up too late at the campground and slept in. We mounted the bikes and headed out for a quick loop as Scooter got a call in the office from Red Wing. He was running late so Dan stayed behind to wait for him. We head out to the kiddies section so Flyin Scot can show off his skills. :p Once again he is beat by the famous hill that his wife can climb but not him.

Hey Flyin Scot, your suppose to stop at the top of the hill. Not 10 feet from it.


From there we head out on "high road?". Since the famous puddle jumper Trigger wasnt there i filled in. As you can see in the first picture. Nancy boy (RM_guy) turns right and takes the sissy way. I proceed to "take" the puddle!

RM_guy wussing out.


Entering the Black Hole.


Wall of water.


Wow this is deep, look at the water level compared to fender.


Hey where did my front fender go?


Ok, after the puddle fun we continued on and Flyin Scot decieded he need a smoke and drink. Humm, how long were we gone? 15mins? Somebody get him some Oxygen! I head back the easy way with FS so i can clean the camera and googles. The rest of the gang go back the way we just came.

Everyone heads back out except Red Wing, still a no show. So Scooter tells them to call his Cell when he shows up. We do the same loop and Flyin Scot finally beats the "wife hill". Give him a hand folks as he finally got to check off one more of his goals in life! LOL! More riding takes place and we finally hit some Single Track. What fun that was. I dropped my front sprocket 1 tooth as per JasonJ's suggestion. Wow, what a difference that made in the tight stuff. The ol 450 had its snap back that i lost with the addition of a flywheel weight. Plus no more 1st gear stalling.

Here is a pic of why Paragon is Paragon! Check out the nice rock garden.


More riding takes place and more fun occurs. Flyin Scot and Red Wing had some fun on a muddy, whooped out uphill trail. The both get stuck and need help getting out.



Here is the pic that nobody wants me to post except RM_guy. Its proof that he can actually make it up the hard way of his "Howe" hill. He gets a :thumb: since i couldnt make it.


More riding occurs and we finally head back for lunch. After lunch i deciede i need to head out but not after we all try out Squeaky Girl's XR200 in the jeeps obsticle course. That little bike sure takes a beating. Good thing she didnt get her new plastic in time otherwise Chief would of had to buy her another set as he snapped the rear fender off looping it out. I told him that only a trials bike could do it but he wanted to prove me wrong. Then you have Nathan doing endo's in the parking lot. Sam, we do have one request. Please fill up the gas tank before you drop it off. When Scooter went to ride it he ran out and filled it up with RM_guy's gas. Forgot Dave was the only one that ran Premix so it wouldnt start. He sat there kicking and kicking til he finally gave up and we packed it up.


Flyin Scot and I call it quits as i had a long drive home and 3 bikes to load. Thanks to the gang we got the bikes loaded and i was able to get on my way earlier than i hoped. I did want to checkout the new Single track "with bridge" but that will have to wait til October 19th.

Well that's my post and i'm off to bed. See you guys tomorrow afternoon as i have a busy morning at work.

For more pics Click Here!


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Dan, i thought Dave was just trying to tell me how big his "wood" was. You'd swear he was telling fish tales.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Well I just typed up a long report and then lost it. Damn. Oh well. I had a great time and really enjoied riding with everybody. I can't wait until the 19th.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
OK, I’ll try this one more time…

I had a fantastic time. As usual riding with fellow DRNer’s is the best. The best part was when I made it up Howie Hill (thanks to TJ for posting the proof even though you failed in your attempt!) Thanks to Scooter too for taking us on some beautiful single track in the morning and some fast quad trails in the afternoon. It was also good to ride some trails with my buddy Chief and his friends for the first time this year. I almost didn’t recognize his bike…it was clean :debil:

I got there at 8:15 and hooked up with some other guys for some riding before anyone else got there. It was OK but when they took a smoke break after 15 minutes I rode on back to the pits to see who else showed up. I also walked around and spread the word about DRN to anyone with a bike. Hopefully a few will see the light and sign up. One guy (sorry, I’m bad with names) seemed pretty interested. He had a Yamaha with a #2 on the plates (OK, I’m good with numbers) so I expect to see him on here soon.

I have to give Red Wing a lot of credit for riding his street legal Honda 650 in that tight rocky stuff we rode. He struggled in a few places but did pretty good.

I heard Flying Scot was there but I didn’t see him. All I saw was this guy with Flying Scot’s bike in some sharp looking gear. Naw…that can’t be him! No leather jacket!!! Sure enough it was and it’s a good thing he had real gear on since he kept crashing on the hill that his wife has no problem on :p

I have to say the best crash was when Nate just fell over for no particular reason. One minute he was sitting on his bike and the next he and his bike were on the ground. Nice no-speed crash there buddy!! Of course the real best crash was when Wheezy’s bike went sideways on him at high speed on flat ground. We never did find out what the heck he hit to make his bike do that. Good thing was he only twisted the bars in the clamps…oh, and he only got a giant raspberry on his upper thigh. Are ya gonna rethink not wearing those hip pads???;)

Scooter won the “Roost RM_guy” contest. I made a point not to ride his line when I could to avoid any roost but when he hit that water hole in 4th gear I never saw it coming. The next thing I know I’m being hit by the wall of stinky, foul water. I mean I got SOAKED. Lucky for him it was toward the end of the ride or I WOULD have gotten him back.

Squeaky, the next time to give us a bike to ride, make sure it’s got a full tank of gas! We ran out in the middle of nowhere and had to put pre-mix in it. It ran a bit rough so you may want to change the plug. And it was a riot ghost riding it off of those hills and watching it bounce off the trees and rocks. We all had a real good laugh when the side case cracked open on a rock. It should be OK though. We only rode it 10 or 12 miles after the oil drained out. :debil:

And, BTW, there’s a reason there are bypasses around huge water holes, TJ, good buddy! When I saw you tank deep in that hole I laughed so hard I nearly ran into a tree. Trigger was sure there in spirit but definitely missed in person. Funny that Tree Jumper didn’t ride through that same water hole on the other trips by there. :p

I also have to give kudos to MX Tech and the job Jeremy did on my suspension. My bike tracked nice a straight through the nastiest rocky trails and I never once lost control even when the back end did kick out 2 or 3 times. The faster I when through the rough stuff, the smoother it felt. Definitely money well spent. I know I would have crashed several times with the old set up.

I was the only one wearing a DW ’03 tee shirt and was the envy of many. Scooter got some pictures of me modeling it and I must say it looks very sharp. Thump did a very nice job with them.

I’m really looking forward to the ride on the 19th. IS IT THE 19th YET????????


Originally posted by RM_guy
I was the only one wearing a DW ’03 tee shirt and was the envy of many. Scooter got some pictures of me modeling it and I must say it looks very sharp. Thump did a very nice job with them.
NANCY!!! :p


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Originally posted by scooter1130
I guess he never took a good look at that shirt wonder you were so excited about taking my picture. And here I thought you just wanted a shot of what a real man looks like :moon:

Next time we ride you're gonna get a roosting like you've never been roosted before :flame: :laugh:

BTW, I'm headed back to Paragon this Saturday with a dozen guys. I'll scope out the best mud holes to roost you with on the 19th :thumb:

Flying Scot

Oct 13, 2002
Nancy's going riding with 12 guys. What did I miss ? :laugh:

Saw the T shirt and figured Thump did such a nice job and even took the time to razz Dave. Nice work Scooter :thumb:
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2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Poor Nancy, she has to bring 11 guys to try and roost one person. What a shame! :)


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000

BTW, is that a 38 waist? You been hanging around ELK again and eating all his donuts? :p

Dan, you forgot to post the best picture there.



Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
When I took that picture, I thought I shot it too close, and too late and cut off your head, but it actually came out pretty good.


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Yes it did and i have it as my background screen! Thanks!

Of course it shows my bad riding posture. Elbows down, feet off the pegs, etc, etc. :)


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Originally posted by Tree jumper
Yes it did and i have it as my background screen! Thanks!

Of course it shows my bad riding posture. Elbows down, feet off the pegs, etc, etc. :)
You can say that again! I'm putting that in my book of "How NOT to attack a hill climb", coming to a store near you :flame:


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
I can always edit your picture of Howe Hill and make it look like you fell down. :)


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I thought you already did edit it to make it look like he stayed up :laugh:

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
YT_Guy...I saw the creative editting he did, but does it really deserve the level of retribution you have planned for him?

Oh well, just remember, Scooter...I'm just the messenger, OK?

BTW, you got a picture of him? It'll probably hurt less if he doesn't see it coming.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Gomer, He'll be the only one with a Cannondale and a blue KTM. And I guess you're right about the level of payback...go ahead and use lots of lube :debil:


Damn Yankees
Aug 17, 2001

Not Sure, but it seems as though it would make more sense to go to DirtWeek than put up w/ all this hassle :) .

Also, do you have any more of those shirts??? I'm sure there are many others who will not be making it this year and may be interested :confused:

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Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
RM_guy....I don't know why you are setting out to get me, all I did was take your picture and post it so everyone could see the great job that was done on these shirts.
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