
2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Paragon, what can be said that hasnt been said before. That place is awsome!

I showed up alittle before 9am to find RM_guy and his son there along with Doug (cant remember screen name off hand). We get my bike unloaded along with PapaKeith's and Squeaky Girl's bikes for transport by Scooter to Connecuit. Time passes along with no one else showing up. Then NRB (Nathan), Guy and Paul show up for a morning ride. We wait awhile for the others but they didnt get Dave's 9am meeting time change. See i could of slept another hour.

We get signed in and go for our normal warmup ride. No problems or unexpected surprises. Towards the end of the morning ride Jake (RM's boy) brakes his clutch perch so we return to the stagging area for lunch and to hopefully warm up. It was cold out there on the open stretches but nice an toasty on the single track.

Afternoon ride, this is where it gets fun. We head out with Scooter along this time. Do the Single Track, open roads, etc. Stop for alittle break and to shoot the breeze about odd ball things like Goat blood, dead women, cops and speeding tickets. Guess you had to be there. My final words before leaving when asked what type of terrain we wanted to ride next was, "Anything but puddles as i dont want to get wet right before we head home." Guess i should of listened to myself because the first huge lake (i mean puddle) i jump right in. (this is why my local friends call me Dumb F##K Chuck ;) ) If i knew what the end result would of been ahead of time i would of just left the bike on shore and dived in with my boots off. We have some nice pics of the incident but none with the helmet camera as i didnt bring it this round. Anyways mine are posted below and i'm sure the better ones will be posted soon.

After the water logged bike was pulled ashore we flipped it on its back. I think my bike was on it's back that afternoon more than Debi in "Debbie does Dallas". :laugh: After pumping out alot of water and wringing out the air filter i went to put a new plug in the bike. Here's where my next mistake was. I let my buddy use my stuff last weekend and guess what he left me? His used spark plug and took my new one. So i try to clean up the plugs. First one, no go. Second one, afew sparks and 2 second purrs from the YZF. With no luck i proceed to push the hunk of junk out of the woods to the powerline hoping to be able to bump start it there. My wonderful luck kicks in right on cue. The power line goes up hill both ways.

Scooter tells me to try his spare plug just for Sheits and giggles. Guess what? After several dozen near starts the thing finally fires up!!! Yippee! :thumb: We ride out of the woods and back to the stagging area to load up and head home. It was a good ride with lots of afternoon stupidity and fun.

Paragon 10/19 Pictures


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
looks like time for a name change, You should change it from Tree Jumper to Puddle Jumper.....that is if Trigger is willing to give up that title.   I will have some pictures posted shortly


Sep 29, 2002
Maybe "Capt. Nemo".

This was my first trip to Paragon. I've been watching the posts on the DRN rides there since May and have been wanting to get up there. It was a great day! It was good to meet the people that I've been watching on DRN and ride with them.

I didn't get 1/2 hour into the day and decided it would be fun to suddenly get thrown around 180 degrees on a hill climb and go tearing back down the hill with a fist full of throttle. Great way to introduce yourself to the guys, run 'em down! I managed to get it under control and provided a good laugh for everyone that witnessed it.

This place has got some great single track to run. I was a little sketchy at first, but soon was getting the hang of it and had a lot of fun. Gotta get some bark busters though.

I think I enjoyed the hill climbs most though. Howies Hill, Turtle Hill, Daves Hill, uh am I missing any? Nice challenges, but not insane.

The day went much too quickly and I can't wait to get up there and do it again. This is a great group of guys to ride with.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
I don't have much of a ride report since I didn't get there by the 9:00 start time, but I did get some swimming lessons from Tree Jumper.  Check the link for my pictures below, and go to the album "More DRN does Paragon for some pictures of the swim lessons.  If you look in the background of the last picture with the bike upside down, you can see the lake....uhhh....puddle, so you can get an idea of how big it was.  you can see where the water starts, just to the right of RM-guys son (standing there supervising), and again in front of the front tire.  That is only about half of the puddle though.  Trigger better hurry up and get a new bike before he looses his title.


Jun 15, 2001
Hehehe, great pics.
Lets start a list for new handels for Chuck.

Stuck Chuck
What the F**k Chuck?
Muddy Mud Skipper
Blue Submarine

LOL, man thats quite a hole you found there my firend!
Hey, I had to drill out the hole in the bottom of the WR airbox so water would drain, it was sealed shut from the factory!

Sorry I missed you Sunday, Kerry came up Saturday night to ride with us Sunday AM, but she stopped by Wal-mart to pick up a new air mattress for us, and some nuckel head (probably a quad rider) decied to climb the shelf in the next isle over and knocked a half dozen of the air mattres down from the top shelf on her head!!! She was a bit woozey Sat night, and had a sore neck and a bad head ache Sunday AM so she decided not to ride and drive home :( . She was VERY disapointed and almost in tears, but it was the right thing to do, with a sore neck, the last thing you want to do is put on a helmet and ride in the damp cold air. I met some friends that came up for the first time and decided to show them around and ride the day with them on the McAdoo side.

Saturday was an awesome day. Me, NRB, Eugene (sp?) Steve I think, Dave, and I cant recall the names of the guys on the XR 400 and KX 125. Seven in all started out in the AM. We warm up and head up valley road to the single track. I led in and not even 100 feet in I kick up a dead white birtch tree and it catapolts up into my front wheel, explodes my front fender off into many small bits, and darn near whacks me in the face! We kinda miss the trail next and end up mired in the woods. There was a tree down but still like 4 feet up across the trail and we just didnt see that was the trail. I moved the tree for Nate and Dave so it can be ridden over as the others tear down the single track. I find two of them at the first intersection wondering where the single track goes so the three of us take off on the trail. we catch Eugene sitting in the woods a few minutes later wondering where the trail goes and where his buddy on the KTM is. We wait for a minute and decide to roll out as a group of 4. The single track was hard to follow as the leaves were down on the ground and the markers were hard to spot in the collage of fall colors in the woods, but we got rolling pretty good and fast. I really got into the grove and was just blasting through the woods. I must have been doing ok as I was able to keep the European on the KTM measured behind me. Riding at that speed in the still moist woods from Friday nights rains, we all had our share of slips and spills. but none to bad. My fender was the worst casulty of the single track that day. We even rode the crazy bamboo tight section and it was very challengeing as always . When we came out of that section, we met Nate and Dave. We took a quick scout for the missing rider after hearing reports of sightings from some quad riders who spotted him. We worked our way to the top of the hill where he was last seen but could not spot the MIA rider. We decided to find some trails and start to work our way back to the parking area as it was nearing noon. I broke off from the group at the top of Valley road to head back to camp to nurse my broken fender and a flat front tire (what esle is new right?).
Back in the pitts,I put some air in my front tire and I grabbed and wire coat hanger and 3 inch wide duct tape and reconstructed my wasted fender with a repair that was the envy of all the guys when I returned to the parking area to grab some hot dogs and get ready for the next ride session. The repair worked great and kept the mud and water out of my face for the rest of a very wet weekend.
Eugene and his KTM partner in crime headed out together for some riding and the remaining 5 of us headed out for some faster quad trails. We ripped thorugh the rocks, woods, mud, jeeps, hummers and more. Great ride, we rode untill like 5 and I was even pretty whooped. Ive been fighting a cold and have been kinda beat, but I felt fine to ride all day. The cold starts to set on in the evening time and morning, I payed the price at night though :( . No one got hurt to bad, I think Dave was the worst with some sore ribs and a cracked chest protector from a very cool trail no one had been on before that went up about 10 feet and down about 25 not to far in . He was not sure if it was the handle bar, tree or what happened. He and Nate had a tough time on a 30 ft hill on the same trail but hung tough and rode every thing well. Dave is much improved since our last ride I feel, but still needs to work out on some coal hills to hone his hill confidence. Nate is faster too when we force him to ride in front :) . The dude on the KX 125 had a hard day, no bark buster in the single track left his fingers with lever marks across the nuckles Im sure, but he showed the lever who was boss when he removed the better part of his front brake lever in the muddy ground with a very tricky 180 flat spin out at speed move . The KX was not palying well in the tight woods and fouled a few plugs but all in all, the bikes ran well.
It was probably a good thing I did not ride Paragon Sunday, I was riding some coal hills, jumped, and herd a clunking grinding sound. I herd it agian when jumping on a hill under power and stopped to have a look. My counter sprocket looked like a hockey player, all the teeth were broken off! I was not far from camp and was able to ride it back in and throw on a 14 tooth I had in the van to replace the hammered 13 I normaly run for paragon. Oh, and my front tire is still falt, that ell teach me to pay to have a new tube put in :) .


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
I'd go along with that ride report for Saturday Jason!! I forgot about a couple of those items! That fender was awesome dude! LOL The XR 400 was Steve I believe, Eugene on the KTM and the KX was Kevin, but we should call him "Knuckles Malone" tho for enduring the whooping those hands must have taken without bark busters. We could call him KnutherplugX tho too.. ;) I was honestly surprised that Kevin hung in with us for the whole day, I'd have been really frustrated by midday. He certainly had the ba11s to go on! Nice bro! Work on that jetting a little more maybe, definately get some bark busters, minor gear change, or like you said, get a 4 stroke for Paragon, keep the KX for the track and you'll have even more fun next time I'm sure..

I'd have to agree with ya Jason, I definately need more time on hills like that.. as much as they scare me, I know I won't get hurt really, I just get anxious I suppose... I was tempted at that one area where we paused at the end of the day and talked about your flat tire, then decided to do turtle then call it a day. That area had a hill that looked like good practice for me to start with... (Easy to recover from if I do dump it, but steep enough to challange me) Maybe next time we can go back there and I can play around on it while you guys take pictures of me crashing up and down it!! LOL

Overall, I'd agree...It was very wet, very slippery in some spots, the mud had a particularly nasty swamp mush smell to it, the foliage was blazing awesome, even when it was overcast, (FYI: If I was to guess I'd be sorry to say but it looks like next weekend may be the very last foliage weekend for the Hazleton region, get up there soon if you like the leaves folks!) The air was crisp, but not too cold, until we stopped for more than 10 minutes. My experience can be summed up like this:

Favorite time of year to ride, Favorite kind of people to ride with, Excellent overall experience! Can't wait to go again! I'm seriously considering next Sunday already...I don't want to miss another good weekend.




Sep 23, 2003
i love the reports people , almost feels like i was there.
after i see the pics i think my body will feel like it was there too im sure.

eating my Wheaties drinking Robitusin with water chasers and trying to get rested for this up coming weekend or the TOYS FOR TOTS RUN.

lost 30 pounds since 9/19 ride plus another 10 or so , makes for a great power to weight ratio but to weak to hold on now.

after that ride report i think i know why people find goggles in puddles.
take care and be well all, snorkels and wetsuits for everyone.

"dirt biking good clean fun"


Aug 12, 2001
Seems like most of it was covered already. Dave you went up that hill on the red trail didn’t you? The one we made the wrong turn and went up. That was a crazy one. But the crash into the tree…….man when I saw that I though you were done for. But you stood right up and shook it off like it was nothing. I have to give you credit for that. Sat was a great ride with me ( aka Steven white XR 400) Kevin KX 125 Eugene KTM Dave Kawasaki Jason Yamaha and Nate on the Yamaha. We lost Frank right at the start but after some searching could not find him. Ran into him back at the parking lot where Eugene and Frank went on some single track the rest of us hit what ever we could find. Had a blast ridding with you guys. Smiles all the way around even with Dave’s crash and Kevin changing spark plugs here and there. Great group of guys to ride with. Sunday apparently we showed up late, as we must have missed the post about being there at 9 instead of 10. But once saddled up took of running to find some one and had no luck until the end of the day where we ran in to Tree Jumper aka puddle jumper Dan and one other fellow. Glad you were able to get the submarine running again. Kevin Eugene and myself hit the Moonshine enduro trail and a bunch of others that I have not been on before. It was great to see some of you guys again even if it was just in the parking lot. Over all I would have to give the weekend 2 thumbs up only because I don’t have any more thumbs to put up. We have to do it again soon and this time I will try to keep an eye out for any time changes.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Yeah that was a good ride. I especially like TreeJumper's deep water experience ;) BTW, I'm glad you made it back OK Chucke. Sorry I had to take off and leave you with Dan and Doug. Just remember, bypasses are there for a reason, unless you're a duck...or a Chuck, as it turns out :p You and SilverBullet are now both victims of trail 80.

I regret that I didn't hook up with everybody. The nice part was that we had smaller groups so it was easier to keep track of everyone. Of course there were less people to stand around Chucke as he dried out his bike :laugh:


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
Originally posted by gixer
Seems like most of it was covered already. Dave you went up that hill on the red trail didn’t you?

OHHH YEAH!!! I almost forgot about that! That was a crazy hill dude!! Made Valley Rd look like a walk in the park! Even Jason got stuck on that one! When I got up to where those guys were I was like.. "Why are we turning around?" then I saw Jason getting hung up and thought to myself.. I DEFINATELY don't want to try and ride down what we just went up!! LOL

I think I walked the bike 95% of the way back down.. It's amazing what a little throttle and alot of confidence does for me. If I'd have known how bad that hill was I would not have gone up it to begin with LOL. Was it really a red?

Great meeting you guys.. Hey.. maybe next time my girlfriend will come up.. I bought her a little quad to get her started in the sport! Once she masters the manual clutch and some paragon rocks though, it will be time to loose the training wheels and put her on two wheels where she belongs!! :p

Any of you guys going up on the 1st or 2nd? How about the 8th 9th?



Jul 4, 2001
Is someone trying to challenge ME as the King Of the Stupid Water Follies? They must be dealt with!! A duel I say, A duel!! :flame: There cant be two stupid submersible test dummies at Paragon. There is only room for one and I am HE!!!! We will seeeeeeeeeeeeee........................................!


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
If you ever get a bike and show up to ride again, you can have your title back. I just figured i'd fill in while your away. :)


Jun 15, 2001
"cant be two stupid submersible test dummies at Paragon. There is only room for one "

Ummm, acutaly, there is plenty of room for both dummies as it turns out :) :p .
Yeah what was the name of that hill, I dont recall ever seeing that one, I just could not make that right hook. Time for a new back tire me thinks. I did get to the top wich is pretty good sicne I had to start on the steepest part from a stand still.


May 4, 2003

I don't even know what the name of that trail was, I think it was one of the unmarked red trails that you are supposed to have a guide to go on. But hey Scooter is a guide maybe next time he can lead us up there.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Where was this infamous red trail????



Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
Originally posted by NRB

I don't even know what the name of that trail was, I think it was one of the unmarked red trails that you are supposed to have a guide to go on. But hey Scooter is a guide maybe next time he can lead us up there.

I'd try it again... But only after lunch! :)


Jun 15, 2001
"I'd try it again... But only after lunch!"

You mean after launch? :)

Maybe Nate can tell you better where it was Dan. It was somewhere in the middle of the park. We came to a T intersection and the hill was on the left. It started switching back and forth as it went up and thats what made it hard to ride, I had to get off the throttle to try to make the cuts.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
It was an "S" shaped hill...started off breaking up and left, then up steep, then up to the right. If that helps... I dunno... Lot's o' rocks, that I can tell you.. and pretty steep..


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Nice descriptions guys. Rocks, a hill, turns left, think there was a tree, etc. I'm sure Dan knows exactly where you were. :)


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
Yeah that pretty much tells me that you guys were somewhere in Paragon.  was it somewhere up on the second ridge, at the top of the hill, or somewhere closer to turtle?  With directions like you guys give, remind me never to follow you.


May 4, 2003
The trail is to the left right after you hit the T on Doe Run and climb a little hill,
I just checked the map and it is trail 75b (Undertaker) but it is not a red, it's only a black III. The signs at the bottom did say "guide only" but no trail number. It leads up to one of my favorite trails "the good, the bad and the ugly.


Paragon Junkie
Damn Yankees
May 31, 2002
2 i know where you guys were......That is 75A....I haven't done that trail in a few years so I'm sure it has changed since the last time I was there......if that is the kind of riding you guys like, next time we can spend a whole day on stuff like that :p     I'll show you where the trail heads are, and then go and wait for you at the other end......if you get that far
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