Parts Forum is Awesome! MX-Tech Bumpsticks


Nov 13, 2001
Hey everyone, I just found this way cool forum on DRN that I did not even know existed. It's a great place to swap, trade or sell your KDX parts, like I'm doing now. Who knew? Thanks for pointing this out to me Dave!

Sage, now I know what you meant in some of your posts. What a privelage:uh:

For those of you have parts for sale or are looking for parts check out this forum. While it is not exclusively for KDX owners, it is a great place to get that part you have been hunting for!

On another note, Fred T is about to unleash his new bumpstick mods from MX-Tech. I'm dying to hear how they work... Good eats I bet!

Anybody else have Jer's full works bumpsticks up and running?

Canadian Dave, what setup do you have for your bumpsticks?

Thanks All!


Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Might need snow shoes

Those "bump sticks" might need to wait a while 'cause we just got dumped on with a bunch of snow so no riding for a while now I'm afraid. :(

The trails were just about perfect too!


Nov 11, 2001
Fred... i know the feeling, here in ontario we had an entire week of temp's above the freezing mark and no snow to be seen (at this time i had no engine in my bike) so yesterday i was rushing to put in a engine i had just recieved in the mail and i wake up to cold cold weather and it snowing like crazy!!! this is not how i planed to spend the weekend:mad:


Nov 13, 2001
Hey guys, come on down! Here in Knoxville we have had record highs this week. 72 & 75F. Also, the club I belong to is having a club ride Sunday..


Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Can Dave

Do you have the midvalves or just the "standard" revalve by Jer?
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