
Oct 14, 1999
Can I come, too?

I'm the short, shorter-laiged guy sitting sidewise on the log over there.........

Wow. It will be fun getting humiliated ride-wise by someone other than my CRF250x riding buddy. Well...and his 125-pumpkin-riding smart aleck kid.

skipro..this just in!!

There is an ISDE style race up here (Johns Peak) 11-7. There is a primer the day before with Derek Steahly, Jeremy Puma and some other ISDE medalists. It's free to event riders.

Want some flyers/apps?

Say the word and I'll send you as many as you want.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
I was going to enter the Cowbell Enduro on November 6 and the Training Wheels on November 7, (two enduros in 2 days, ouch!) but your offer sounds better! Send down those flyer / apps and I'll check them out..
Not to sound too lame, but what's unique about an ISDE style race as opposed to other type races?
Also, we going to be able to ride and hang out as our own group or what? That's the primary goal for me. I've only met one other DRN'er and that was at the starting line for the Wild Boar where I barely had the time to put the DRN screen name to a real name and face. I'm really looking forward to meeting you, Wibby and the others for playtime!
As far as getting humiliated ride-wise, you may soon discover that persona and bravado on-line may not match the reality of what you witness on the trail. I'm pacticeing, even now, my excuses for my crashes and poor performance. (On the other hand, I think I've discribed crashes on DRN so maybe you won't be suprised). Get your helmet cams fired up, 'cause if you can capture some of my antics on film, they could make you some money on those real TV, funniest videos, max-x, shows. Or at least they could help explain to the orthopedic surgeon how I could have gotten that messed up.
I'll PM you my address and number for the flyers.


Oct 14, 1999
I have your address from the Eldorado brochure you sent. Well...I assume there is a return addy....oh yeah...I remember your missus name (I used to be married to one of, not one of your missus, but the name.)

I just got a note from Chuck Steahly..he said that the forms were 'going to be' on the MRA site soon. They weren't last I checked.

I'll send you down a few.

An ISDE is a timed race, but THEY keep the time. There isn't any rollthingy going on like an enduro. There are a number of timed 'trials' that you need to complete during the race..;probably things like riding on a 2x4 over a 10'deep ditch or something.....with alleygators in the ditch, too!

They start three at a time a few minutes apart. You can ride with someone.

The whole ISDE thing was just a thought. Even considering you guys to be up that weekend we could dink around Saturday (although the primer would be oughtta see Puma ride!! He is FAST!!) AND ride the race Sunday. You might well have a monkeybutt about then. Well, I know I would.

Or maybe you'd prefer the Poker run? Or maybe no event at all? That would be kind'a my choice to tell you the truth. I've been thinking of routes for the last couple days!

You looking to be up on a Friday and ride one day, back on Sunday? Ride a couple days? As long as you're here, might as well run the wheels off 'ya!!!

Re: humiliated
I really don't care. I love to ride and I know I'm not good at it. So what? I have no phallic issues that will get me dead trying to keep up, either. Hey! I'm the tourguide. You take off an leave me and you'd best have a sleeping bag, food and water for a couple of days!! ;) More'n once riders have spent the night out on the peak when they didn't plan to!



Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
YeeHAw!! is right! This is going to be more than one trip, I can see that right now. 3 at least. I think we should catch that ISDE thingy and if we don't get enough face time, work on that the next trip. Let me know what I need (memberships, club dues, etc.) to enter. Can "visitors" from other AMA districts sign up for discounts? I'm District 36 and AMA current.
Like I said before, if the 49er Enduro is postponed or cancelled, (it was last year: postponed because it was too dusty, then later cancelled because it was too wet, Dang California tree huggers!) then I would like to do the poker run. I really like the 49er race. It's my favorite riding area, I know every trail (I should, I've been lost on 'em so many times, I thought I was in the twilight zone trying to find the truck each week.)
Man....I'm psyched!!


Oct 14, 1999
Calm down there, buddy. You're contagious! ;)

I'll send the app. It has info on what you need to have. AMA is required. I don't know if they 'reciprocate' or not. Probably would be my guess. Heck..they have ISDEs all over the place..and I can't imagine you would have to be a member of every region. But...fact is I don't know.

You DO need an Oregon OHV sticker. Well...they may well reciprocate on 'green' 'red' or whatever Californistan stickers. I know CA does when I was down at Glamis.

You're going to love the peak. I promise. And...if you don't.....keep it to yourself!!! ;)

Dear God,
Can we have some nice weather? Please?

Thank you.

I just sent Chuck Steahly a note about the reciprocity, district 36 thing. I'll let you know.

I won't be taking my Duster up there..........


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Mar 31, 2003
Not KDX related but I like your 340 Duster. I wanted a 340 Demon when I was a kid - liked those dual hood scoops. A neighbor had a 340-sixpack Challenger TA in Panther Pink. I'm STILL going to get my '70 Coronet R/T (or Superbee) one of these days. Big bug-eyed things but I like 'em... :-)



May 4, 2004
canyncarvr said:
and his 125-pumpkin-riding smart aleck kid.

There's one of those in my neck of the woods too! :bang:


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Doug just got home from his trip to your neck of the woods. He said it was the most agonizing time ever, seeing trucks and trailers with dirtbikes and his back in CA. He's ready to go as soon as he gets his clutch back from EFM and his barrel back from Eric Gorr. Ha! He's excited about the prospects you've presented.
Great car BTW! I had a '73 Nova that was cared for like that as well as a '74 Camaro. But that was B.K. (Before Kids)


Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
Hey, can I come too?

Don't care much for a race though, I got passed by some kid on a xr50 at last years Ghost and Goblins Poker Run! :eek:

What about farmerj? He's gotta come too!

'Carvr, Is there some particular reason we only get to see the back portion of the car? :nener:


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
N I C E Mopar CC. You never cease to impress me.


Oct 14, 1999
No reason to be impressed, really. When you get old...and don't throw away stuff.. you end up with a 30+ year old car that you've had for 29 years. Take care of it 1/2 way decently and you get to the point that no one at the gas station even knows what the heck it is!

That's why my dirtbike is 4+ years old............. ;) My riding buddy is on bike #3 since we both got kdxs.

Thanks, though. I'm always looking to make a false impression! ;) don't see the front for the reason I told you you don't..cuz of a cracked bracket scoop. Gotta get that fixed.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Wib! I just assumed you would be there. Hasn't CC adopted you yet and make you a legal tax deduction? You know he keeps claiming you as his dependant.


Mar 3, 2003
A few questions;
1. Which airport do I get off at?
2. Whats the best way to get my bike over there with me?
Just jokes guys but your trip sounds like its gonna be one hellava story. I look forward to reading your experiences in future posts and wish you all a safe and fun trip.
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