Passing in extream dusty condition


Aug 27, 2000
hi everone
I have a question for you guys off road racer.Every time I race in the very dusty condition ,I always slow down a lot due to can not see anything and wait until clear up a little bit.But on those moment,a lot of rider pass me and left more dust for me. My question is, how can I fix this problem,and how they do that ? I think they can not see anything either.


Oct 29, 2001
Go FASTER! and stay ahead of them. Depending on conditions - wind direction, two track or single track, etc. - the rider, in this case you, must adjust your speed and position on the trail to the lingering dust. If the rider in front of you is a lot faster, he will eventually pull away from you leaving the dust to settle more by the time you get there. If, however, the rider is about the same ability as you and you got stuck behind them, ride as close to them as comfortably and safely as possible. This will allow less dust to be kicked up to block your view of the trail. Hope this helps.


Jan 29, 2001
Bit the bullet and twist that throttle harder. Or try and go as wide as poss. with keeping ur speed up and stay on the track, but yeah just dont worry about crashing let others do that and ride through it, if u do find someone fallen infront of you, just think **** happens, its happened to me, ive run over a few people cos fallen in front of me, but usaully riding fast through the dust helps more than backing off.


May 30, 2001
Drag your foot and create more dust, so those behind you can't pass either... :p

Not that I'd ever, uh.., er..., that kind of thing... :confused:


Sep 5, 1999
Yea it's not a fun situation but like said here you have to go for it, these
are the times you trust in your gear! Dont just ride in the dust, pass or
back off.


Aug 27, 2000
Thank you for everone that replied. The track was single track,bunch of trees,most of the time have some small drop of.I love to race but I hate to get hurt (lost job one time last year,broken arm) have to take care family like
everybody else.Somebody used to tell me that if you close to the guy infront of you enough you can see them.Is this really true and how close it has to be ?
This is the way I did on every race.
I let them pass me first(they gonna pass me anyway) ,and then I will pass
them back one at a time.But I don't like this way because I will take me forever to pass most of them,everybody fast enough on same class,and usaully thismethod never win the race unless you are supper fast.


Jun 24, 2001
TONYKX, these guys telling you to go for it in the dust either have no regard for their personal well-being, or aren't very experienced desert racers. If you go for it in the dust, you won't be around very long. As far as strategy for doing well, ride on the edge of the dust ( leaving just enough of a gap to react to obstacles) or ride right on the guy's butt so his dust goes under you, then make up the time when it clears. Always ride upwind, since the guy's dust in front of you will blow to the side, and yours will hinder the guys behind you and give you a little breathing room. If you watch any of the top guys(Abbott, Davis, Krause, etc.), they take only very calculated risks, and they never ride blind. All of those guys passing you in the dust are rolling the dice, and most of them crash and eventually get hurt. At the Jackpot National H&H, I had a guy pass me like 5 times, and by mile 75, he was so tired from crashing that he was easy to pull away from. Hope this helps.


Aug 27, 2000
Thank Natester,
That exacly what I am talking about.But I just don't understand that why peple take too much chance to get an agly crash,they can't do if they can't see ,may be they never got hurt before,me be they have a better eyes than me that can see througt the dust,or me be they might have some tricks.
Do they have to go to work on Monday ? I do.I'm not a professional racer.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I have a close riding buddy who races the Desert, He has spent enough money in repairs to his 250 & 426 and doctor bills just this season by using that " just go for it " mentality that he could pay cash for a new KTM 520,no B.S.

I personally will back off, get up wind and then work my way up one rider at a time, keep in mind that unless you're following the lead rider, He's thinking the same thing, so watch both your lines.

just my input
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