Passing the CA forest service sound check

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
At a race this weekend, we had to pass the CA forest service sound check. I have a 01 wr250F with an e series pipe on it. Sadly, at the max power setting (12 disks)it did not pass(101dbs). at 8 disks it did not pass(98dbs) once I reduced the exhaust disks down to 6 disks it passed.(96dbs)

I had 2 major gripes with the forest serivces test.

1) They insisted on testing from the side on all bikes. The E series sound and exhaust comes from the side (like the old super traps.) There were bikes that were passing that were alot louder than mine from behind the bike ( I was in line behind them) when I asked them to take the reading directly behind the pipe they refused saying there regs mandatate a side test. :think: Just an fyi for any potential pipe buyers out there.

2) The rpm guide book only went up to 2000. For 01-03 bikes they just guessed. :think:

It was a real hassle dealing with this on race day. Several guys where sitting on the side fevorishly working to get there bikes to pass. testing and retesting. There were many who were turned away completely and not allowed to race.

Most of the hassles were with 4 strokes, the high pitched ring a ding 2 strokes where passing right and left. I might have to buy a less clean burning 2 stroke to ride in the forest. The EPA targets 2 stokes and the forest service targets 4 strokes.

Heads up: the MAN is coming to a trail near you :whiner: :flame:
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Apr 30, 2002
Nothing new, it's just that this year they lowered the limit to 96 from 101.

because two strokes are at such a higher pitch, they don't carry nearly as far as the lower pitched 4 strokes that you can hear for a LONG ways away.
less sound = more ground is pretty much the way it's going.


Apr 30, 2002
if it helps, I have a friend with an 03 250f, he didn't even get checked, has the quiet tip on his exhaust, can't remember which exhaust he has though...

scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
Originally posted by wsmc831
Nothing new, it's just that this year they lowered the limit to 96 from 101.

less sound = more ground is pretty much the way it's going.

I know. I've just never had that much of a hassle. It just seems like the EPA and the forest service are working against each other. Thje forest service sound test prefers 2 stokes, and teh EPa's pollution issues prefer 2 strokes.

I guess I'll just buy 2 bikes depending on what I'm doing :thumb:

Jeff I didn't had the quiet insert. Thanks for the offer of the loaner. I've passed before without it, but the ranger didn't have a strict test from the side only and guess at the RPM level policy.


Apr 30, 2002
scar tissue, you think YOU had problems....

my friend with the yz250f was riding an 01 last year, at one of the enduro's at Stoneyford (the wet one, 49er?) he decided to ride on my minute because it was clearing up (he's an A rider and used to be highly nationally ranked), he pulled up to 'Doug the Ranger' to get sound tested (his bike was around 101), Doug says it's raining, so can't do sound.

BUT, he looks at his spark arrestor and says he doesn't think it's legal.

it's got USFS stamped right on it...I think it was a pro-moto-billet end cap for the stock one. This guy claims it's not for his bike, AND DOESN'T LET HIM RIDE!

He had not only JUST paid his entry fee, but it's freaking RAINING, why worry about a spark arrestor.

The kicker was that he bought the bike from a friend, who was a RANGER AT HOLLISTER!

He called him on a cell right then so he could talk to old Dougie, but he said it was too late.

I actually support the forest service and think overall they are doing a great service, but this guy just made me lose a whole lota respect for em.

Good luck on the next one!


May 22, 2000
Sounds like someone was just on an ego trip. I'd have had a few choice words for this man. :eek: Although that probably would've just got me in MORE trouble. :)


Jan 31, 2003
I think 96dbs is a very reasonable level. You should be complaining to the pipe manufacturers, not the forest service. If it was the pole cat you were at, they were offering sound checks all day Sat for anyone worried about passing. and they weren't even checking bikes that are known to pass, ie stock DRZ's, KTM's. KDX's. We need to support this issue and make sure we all are 96 or lower. Fighting it just adds more ammo to the greens position.


Mar 22, 2003
I failed with 105 at the exit. The law is 20" away on the side + or - 3 (up to 99) which would only be of help in a court of law if you got cited. By the way every 3 db's is twice as loud, ie..99 is twice as loud as 96. It's okay if you ride a harley, but not a dirt bike and no matter how quiet you are there will not be any more land available for riding, only less taken away for sound.


Jun 5, 2001
The "MAN", wtf, who is that guy!:think:


Oct 31, 2000
Scar tissue,
The MIC sound test is 20" at a 45 deg angle - it's a standard that ALL exhausts have to live with. Due to the nature of sound waves changing the location of the mic makes a huge difference in the measured sound level.

If they didn't have the correct (or any) test specs for '01-'03 bikes just what exactly were they 'citing' you for so that you couldn't ride? On one hand if they don't have the correct equipment it's their problem not mine. On the other hand why are you riding a bike that blows 101dB?

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