People from Boise Idaho area wanna ride?


Oct 23, 2000

Come on up and join the fray. Heyburn ain't that far of a drive. Done it many times! ;)


Rabbit Creek is a good meeting and unloading spot. Lots of good parking.

I would suggest meeting at 9 am or earlier at Rabbit Creek which is about a mile past Idaho City on the right side. I'm an early bird! ;) Paved parking and restrooms are available.

Everyone make sure your spark arresters are installed, I've been checked before at Idaho City. Besides I don't ride fast enough to outrun Johnny Law! :eek:



Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
Come on up Sir.... You are welcome to stay at my place Saturday night if you would like.

Where is Rabbit Creek in relationship to the old Steamboat Gulch? I keep reading Rabbit Creek and Murphy.... :silly:

9:00 a.m. works great for me.

DahElama, Its good you can get out. The ride will help keep your sanity in check...


Oct 23, 2000

What I call the Rabbit Creek Parking area is actually on Granite Creek where Granite and Mores Creek come together. It's just about 2 miles past Idaho City on Highway 21 on the right side. You can't hardly miss it, there are restrooms, picnic area, and a large paved parking lot on the left side of the road just after you turn off Hwy 21.

That road goes up and over Rabbit Creek Summit (thus why it's called Rabbit Creek Parking area, in my mind anyway :confused: ) down along Rabbit Creek which is a much larger drainage than Granite Creek.

I talked with my usual "Ride Guide" and he indicated that the route that I'd mapped out is rideable, but this early in the year we'd probably run into some downed trees that haven't been cleared yet. Some of the ride that I mapped goes over to Barber Flat and some of it on Meadow Creek was in the burn area from last year so there will be some downed trees there that have to be dealt with.

I'll see if I can go up this weekend and look things over and do some clearing if necessary. It would be a good 60 mile loop, so you 2 strokers might need a large tank or you'd want to carry some fuel. We'll see what transpires between now and the 8th.

I'll send you a map of my proposed route in PDF format for you to look over and comment on.



Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
60 miles.... I may be pushing it. literally! Is there anyway to put together a couple 35 mile loops? No biggie I can always haul a little petro. And dave has that Valdez of a tank.....:)


Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
I only have a 3gal tank, but I went 42 miles and used just about a half a tank, and that was a race so I was trying to haul butt. What would be cool is IMS's 4.7gal tank. Oh, and I want to try out my GPS, I think I'll go out and try to think up a better mount for it.
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Feb 21, 2002
If only I had a bike right now.... Oh well, when I find one maybe. I see alot of people from your way in boise, but I haven't seen anybody on drn from pocatello. Haven't ridden anywhere near Boise yet, wanted to though. Anyone ever ride this way?


Sep 9, 2000
I have the IMS tank. 60 miles no problem. :D

clutchcover, I've been up as far as (Dubois?) I took a ride north of there scouting for Elk. The closest riding to you I have done is in the St. Anthony dunes. Get a bike and come this way, there is a ton of country to ride.

380, I'll take you up on the offer if it all pans out for me.
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Oct 23, 2000

We're going up to do some trail surveying and maintenance on my proposed loop at Idaho City on Sunday this weekend in preparation for the ride on Saturday, June 8.

Who all is going to try and make the trip on the 8th? I'd like to get some sort of head count so we'll know who to expect.

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Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
Count me in!


Aug 15, 2001
I'll be there with a riding bud of mine.

* Disclaimer *
Due to the recent addition of new family members, management has informed me that any: dirtbiking, golf, drinking or general 'non critical function' committments made by DahlELama are subject to change without notice.


Oct 23, 2000

Been there, suffered from that condition!!! The Senior VP of Finances at my house has also declared that "a new truck ain't in the budget for a while!":confused: :)

That being said, if my usual riding buddy can't make it on the 8th, can I catch a ride with one of you guys?! My tow vehicle will be in Cleveland with the wife and kids. I don't think I can get the 400 into the Stratus, although I understand that 380EXCman used to haul his bike in a Neon! :eek:



Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
I could probably give you a ride, it looks like im going by my self anyway.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
JAFChE, We got you covered. One way or another we will get you there.. Im thinkin Dave will want to carpool as well? Good reason to borrow the box van from work... I will slap a big KTM sticker on the side and we will be the Factory KTM, Paragon Pacific Insulation, Certainteed sponsored Off Road Team.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
What ya think Dave? You could just meet at my house we then could swing by and pick up JAFChE.


Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
Ya, thats what I was thinkin. No sense takin my gas hog of a truck all that way with just me in it. A box van sounds cool :aj:


Oct 23, 2000
Thanks Guys,

I'll let you know later this week if it will be necessary. If my usual riding partner goes I'll catch a ride with him.

It would be cool to be "Team KTM" in a Box van though!!:)

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Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
So, it looks like the Saturday the 8th at the Rabbit creek parking area? Do we have a loop planned yet?


Oct 23, 2000
Well guys,

Here's the skinny on the trail clearing for the Idaho City ride loop. My usual riding biddies and I went up to do some trail clearing / trail finding yesterday, Sunday, June 2.

Good News #1:
We had a really good day of trail clearing and the weather was excellent. It even looked like snow would not be a problem on Sunset Peak.

Good News #2:
We managed to find one of the trails on my proposed loop that hasn't seen much traffic in the last 10 years and cleared it (about 6 miles worth). It's a great trail, very scenice and even has a bath at the bottom end on rabbit creek (read I fell over and damn near drowned out the bike! I was wet to my armpits!) :eek: It took 3 of us per bike to get each of the three machines across. ;)

Bad News #1:
We tried to find our way up Hungarian Ridge Trail from Barber Flat and failed miserably. The area has been logged extensively in the last 5 years and add a fire a few years ago and the trail is almost invisible. My GPS said that we were right on the trail but the problem was that there wasn't a trail! After 5 miles of hunting and back-tracking multiple times we gave up. The trail might be more identifiable coming down from Sunset Peak, but we didn't get that far. We did clear a few LARGE TREES (20"-36" diameter) so you could at least see where we did make it to.

Bad News #2
On the way back to the truck I managed to have a little "get-off" and twisted up my left knee pretty bad! :( I don't know if It'll be good enough to ride on by this weekend for a ride or not. I'm the eternal optimist when it comes to riding (especially since I'm a bachelor for 16 days). I'm holding out hope, but right now I can't bend my left knee more than 25 degrees off vertical and putting weight on it is a major issue (call me gimpy!) Any kind of rotating of the knee joint is out of the question, major painful!

I'll keep you updated on my situation as the week progresses. If I can ride, I will, I just may be slower than usual though! :eek:

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Oct 23, 2000

Thank god for "The Button"!!! I couldn't kick start my son's XR50 right now!

It's amazing how quickly you gain appreciation for ALL you body parts and how they work together when you damage something as insignificant as a stinkin' knee!

AND "NO", I don't think you will have any problem keeping up with me if I do go!


Oct 23, 2000
Well guys,

My knee feels a lot better today so I have high hopes for being able to go out next Saturday. ;) I'll definitely have to take it easy.

I've gone back to the Topo software and combined with some previous rides I have recorded I've managed to put together a couple of loops, one ~38 miles and one ~30 miles that should wear us out sufficiently next Saturday to make us think we're good riders! :confused:

It looks like I will be needing a ride with somebody (380EXCman and dave186?) as my usual ride partner has commitments for Saturday and he won't be able to make it. Are we still set for an early (9 am) meeting at Rabbit Creek?

Let me know either in this thread, e-mail, or a PM.




Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
Have to talk to 380EXCman, cause it was lookin like he was drivin. a couple 30 mile loops sound like a better idea, that way we wont have to worry about gas.
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