pinched nerves

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
About 9 weeks ago I started having severe back muscle spasms that I could control with alieve. eventually these got worse so I went to the Dr and he gave me a shot of cortizone. It didn't help so I went back and got some X rays. I've lost 50% strength in the bench press and my right arm and shoulder is in constant pain. I cannot stand up to ride my KTM for more than a second and landing a small jump hurts and I don't have much strength to handle the bike when I ride. The Dr says to continue to exercise and use the muscles even though they know I have pinched nerves between c3&4 and C 5&6. I am using alieve for inflammation and skilaxin as a muscle relaxer at night so I can sleep. I hate living on drugs 24 hours a day, expecially naproxin which causes my blood pressure medicine to not work as well. I am scheduled for an MRI next wednesday but i just wanted to know if any one here had this before and what treatments did you have. were you able to beat it or am I screwed and will have pain for ever now?

I am even looking into a acupuncturist to see if the pain can be relieved but I am also concerned about the muscle strength recovering. I wanna ride!!!

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I have similar things going on (along with numbness and significant loss of dexterity) from a crash New Years. I had an MRI scheduled, but my insurance company cancelled it because they wanted "more information".

One of the guys I ride with had something similar for years and ended up getting Ti rods inserted in his neck (I need to get more details from him), but he said that once the pressure was relieved on the nerves, the muscles relaxed better than he ever remembered and his strength came back.

Something else weird I have going on is that my muscles cramp much more easily now, escpecially on the side most affected.


Jan 30, 2002
I have constant back pain which stems from a C-5 spiral fracture I suffered while play ball. Some of my nerve canals are constricted and any instability in that area causes intense pain and immobility. I sit behind a desk for most of my day and according to my doctor and chiropractor, sitting for long periods of time is the worst thing for an injured back.

Get the MRI and find out the exact nature of your injury and explore all treatment options. My advice would be to keep your mid-section strong(back and abs), make sure you have some sort of lumbar support when you sit for long periods of time, find a chiropractor that has athletic training experience, and get a very mild anti-inflammatory you can take when needed.

I hope your problem is minor because back-pain just plain stinks. :(


Jan 30, 2002
High Lord Gomer said:
Something else weird I have going on is that my muscles cramp much more easily now, escpecially on the side most affected.

My flabby left side is gets more fatigued and as a result cramps much more frequently than anything else.

One thing I forget to mention Fred, stay hydrated. It helps the discs.
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