Pinging on a trailing or closed throttle?


Jun 7, 2001
Please could the forum assist me with solving this pinging problem on my stock 2003 CR250. It might even be related to an earlier discussion of a 'knock' experienced by other riders in a another thread.

My CR pings noticably when I close the throttle at meduim to high revs, as in when jumping or shutting off at the end of a straightaway. This also occurs on partial throttle openings, under light load, for example when coasting.

I am mystified, as I have checked the timing marks, and they appear correct. The main jet mixture appears to be correct, as the plug is the right color, and the bike does not ping under load i.e. acceleration etc. In fact it runs really well, right across the throttle range under acceleration, although with the characteristic and much mentioned laziness off the bottom.

Id this be an it is a mixture/jetting issue, and if so, what circuits should I look at at? Going richer on the main has no effect. A richer idle jet seemed to have little benefit, and slowed down the off idle response.

As the bike runs fine otherwise, I am hesitant to mess with the jetting, but to my way of thinking, the most likely candidates are either a reduced needle diametre, larger nozzle or different slide cutaway. Which of these is the most likely to have the desired effect? Or is this phenomenon related to another issue, like maybe the bike needs a race gas mixture, even though it is stock?

Any help appreciated.


Oct 17, 2002
I posted a thread about this too. Just wanted to add something I noticed on mine this weekend. At one point I turned the gas off, and forgot to turn it back on. Started riding, and about 10 seconds or so before the bike shut off on me, it started pinging really bad--the exact same sound that I heard before, only it was doing it a lot worse. (Scared the crap out of me, as I thought I toasted the engine.) Of course once I turned the gas back on, it ran fine, just like before--still with the occasional pinging at low RPM. I don't know what this means, but maybe it will clue someone else in on the problem who has more knowledge than me.


Oct 3, 2002
My 03 CR came with a jetting update kit. It came with a step leaner main 410 (stock is 420) and a richer pilot 32.5 (stock is 30). It also came with a 74 needle (stock is a 73) but I didn't install it. I installed the main and pilot before we went riding yesterday. I'm no jetting expert by any means, but it is running better. Right now I'm at 2 turns out on the air screw.

I still am mixing race gas which ended the pinging anyway, so I don't know if it would've improved that. I plan to continue to run 50/50 race/pump fuel as it's not that expensive.


N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001
Is this a pretty common problem among CR250s? My KDX does something similar to this. It's jetted pretty spot on now, but also did it before when it was way too rich, so its not a lean issue. Several people listened to it at DW, and said it was a normal thing. Mikeb says his new KTM does the same thing. Like your bikes, mine runs great everywhere, just odd noises under decelleration or when the revs die down from a slite blip. I used to worry about it alot, but now have written it off as something not to worry about. I still would like to fix it, if anything is wrong. I've though before that it may be slightly excessive piston slap that is audible, yet isn't damaging. Maybe someone knows?


Jun 7, 2001
I agree that it does not seem related to the idle being lean, I have tried a 35 pilot jet (std id a 30) on 1.5 AS, and it did not seem to improve matters. I am going to try going richer on the needle diametre this weekend...


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I'm curious at what elevation you are at in SA?
Also, have you looked at your filter recently? A filter that is full of dirt, OR a filter that is full of excessive oil can mimic jetting problems.
If your filter is clean and fresh, feel in the bottom of the air boot to see if there isn't a puddle of oil.


Jun 7, 2001
I clean the filter before every ride so its not dirty. dont believe I use excessive oil. Leevation is sea level, Cape Town, so stock jetting is normally pretty close, or similiar to California. Our pump fuel is leaded 97. Would too much oil in the filter mimic a rich jetting? I know when the filter gets dirty towards the end of a ride, the bike bogs a lot more.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I think a dirty filter can starve the engine for air, and a filter full of oil can let excess oil get sucked into the mix as well.

Buzz Bomb

May 9, 2000
That's why I like spray-on oils because you don't get the filter dripping wet. You just have to THOROUGHLY spray the inside and outside of the filter until there is no visable dry spots. It penetrates through the foam just fine when its still wet, and I have no problems with this method.
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