Places to ride/camp in the Sierra?


Oct 16, 2000
I need advice on where to ride in the Sierra. I am embarrassed to say that I have never made it up into the mountains from the flatlands, but that is going to change!

Coming up from the Bay Area next weekend, hoping to camp for Saturday night, and looking for an area that is a good introduction to Sierra riding. I have heard good things about Elkins Flat, but any advice would be great.

Finally, how bad is the dust this time of year? TIA.


Apr 7, 2000
Elkins Flat is a great place, to ride and camp, but the dust will be pretty thick. Wait until Oct, were going to be riding on the weekend of the 21st.... Save that weekend for riding....

If you want more info on other rideing spots let me know, I've been to most of the areas in the Sierra.



Aug 29, 2000
Sierra riding

If you're interested in riding. My family and I are going to Foresthill, above Auburn, CA, this weekend. Riding there is beginner to moderate trails with one or two attention getting trails for contrast. There will be dust, but if the group is small, two or three riders, and you hang back a little on the rider in front of you, it is ok. E-mail me for directions.
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