Please Save our Sport...Our Last chance to influence the government!!!


Jul 17, 2001
The Alberta Governments Land-use the last chance for YOU to be heard regarding public feedback on proposed regulations on recreational use of public land. It is the responsibility of every OHV user in Alberta to fill out the survey at

The deadline to submit this form to the government is June 15, 2007.

The information in this survey will be compiled and used for new policy and regulations regarding public land use in Alberta.

Please don't let them shut down access to ride on our public land. If left to the environmentalists all access to public land for recreational OHV use will be severely restricted. Please don't let this opportunity to tell the government how you feel pass by.

"....the Government of Alberta is
developing a comprehensive provincial Land-use
Framework that will provide a vision for land use in
Alberta and the overall direction needed to manage
growth and activities on Alberta’s landscape. The
framework is intended to set forth an approach to
govern and manage public and private lands and natural
resources to help achieve Albertans’ long-term social and
economic goals, based on a foundation of sound
environmental management. When completed, this
framework will provide the overall direction for land use
management and decision-making to help address
growth on Alberta’s land base. The framework is
intended to apply to public and private lands in Alberta...."
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Jul 17, 2001
Open House

Well, I hope you all where able to attend the open LUF open house in
your city. I went last night and although there seemed to be a lot of
interest I think the biggest problem is that Recreational OHV users
don't have a voice at the table when these deciscions are being made.
It seems everyone has a reason why these trails should be shut down
but no one I talked to had a good reason. I talked with a guy from
the SRD (Sustainalble Resource Development) for over an hour and
although he was very informative he couldn't give me a very good
answer about why these trails are being closed. His concern seemed to
be mostly around watershed areas and wildlife. But it seemed he was
taking his direction mainly from the "Big G". That's what he kept
calling the Provincial Government.

I think at this point, the best way to be heard is to fill out that
workbook (online) and get as many people as possible to submit it.

Some of the questions I asked:

Q: Why shut down existing trails that have been there for years.
Especially those already created by Forestry, Seismic, Oil etc.
A: These roads where supposed to be reclaimed when these companies
left but people keep using them then they never get a chance to grow
back to there original state.

Q: Whats the harm in leaving the trails and roads open.
A: Watershed and wildlife issues.

Q: Why wasn't this an issue when these companies went in to clear cut
an area but it's an issue if I want to use it for recreation uses?
A: Good point..put that in your workbook :)


Q: My question is how is the Alberta Government and the SRD going to
guarantee that me and my kids will be able to riding on Public land in
the future.
A: The solution to all this is a provincial trail system for all of
Alberta. Being created and defined by environmental studies to
minimize impact of OHV use.

Q: Why would this work?
A: Look at GAMP (Ghost Area Management Plan by Calgary). Now there is a trail
system in place that's not impacting the environment.
My repsonse: GAMP was a terrible example of how to work with the
public to preserve public land. Decisions where made about OHV trails
without consulting any OHV users. They basically shut down the whole
area and considered that a success. That definitely didn't preserve
my access to the land for the future cause I won't even go there this
weekend. This was a worst case scenario and the fear is that this is
going to continue and get worse.
SRD: Good comment, put that in your booklet.

So basically, I feel we need someone to speak on our behalf that is
going to be heard by the government. If you didn't go to the open
house in your city then start spreading the word about this LUF
booklet (Deadline for submission in June 15) and start bugging your

Bye for now

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