
Aug 21, 2005
What exactly do you want to do with it? It basically works like any other Mikuni, but for some reason the idle screw has a major impact on how the bike runs throughout the range. By the time I had to adjust mine, there were only 2 throttle positions, on and off.
If it is off on the top end, change the main, midrange means to adjust the needle, you can take care of most anything else with the idle screw.
During the 3 years that the 50 was in regular service, I only felt the need to adjust the carb 3 times. 2 were due to performance mods and the other when I learned how rich it was from the factory.


Aug 21, 2005
The one closest to the center of the carb (screws into the slide chamber) is the idle speed. The other one, is the idle mixture screw.


Dec 21, 2005
thanks for the info but what is the proceedure for adjusting the carb sorry for so many questions but ive never owned a bike before and its for my son so im tring to keep it in good shsp i know a lot about cars but not bikes. thanks for the help


Aug 21, 2005
As far as the mixture screw, turn it all the way in until it seats lightly. Then turn it out about 2 turns. Start the bike and get it warmed up. If it won't start, try adjusting it in 1/2 turn increments (in or out) until it will. Once the engine is at operating temp, slowly turn the screw until you find the point where the engine idles the fastest. Then adjust the idle speed to a tolerable level. This should keep a stock bike running fine. A stock bike does run rich, so you might want to pull the bowl off of the carb and replace the main jet. Also, for recreational riding, once the bike is running as it should you will very seldom have the need to adjust anything on a PW50.
A little light educational reading can be found here:
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