? Quad tendon partial tear- fluid on the knee?


Jan 12, 2000
I crashed hard off a jump and landed on my knee:(. Ortho said I have a partially torn quad tendon & it is puffy due to fluid accumulation. Doc said my leg is still strong so no surgery. He could re-attach the torn part but it wouldn't make it any stronger. He could drain the knee if I wanted but my body would re-absorb the fluid on its own. I asked if I should stay off of it or take it easy and he said no, business as usual. This weekend I worked my butt off trenching the yard for water lines. Now if I sit in a sitting position knee bent 90 deg., there is a bigger bubble of fluid above knee and I feel constant pressure there. The further I flex it, the more pressure.

Has anybody experienced anything like this? I am wondering how long will it take for fluid to be re-absorbed, if I should have it drained and If all this extra fluid in there could cause further complications? The Ortho seems pretty casual about the whole thing, my family GP said he would advise against draining it because of risk of infection. Thanks for any info.


Feb 14, 2002
Get a second opinion. My ACL injury is 15 to 20 years old now. It needed to be tapped many times. If not, the pressure just keeps building up. I wouln't want my body absorbing all that. Your knee is crying out to be helped. Check out another doctor is my opinion.


Nov 25, 2000
When I had my surgery last yr. the quack I had drained my knee everytime I went in to see him, 5 or 6 times because he couldn't understand what i was trying to tell him about the pain I was having. I finally went to another Dr. who said the same thing about the risk of infection when draining it. the swelling went down once I started PT, this was 6 wks later though because of the quack and my ins.:silly:

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
there are two types of medicine out there..1950's and up to date sports med. call around to your local sports medicine places. something should be done about the injury...letting it "heal" on it's own just don't sound right.


Jun 7, 2001
quads...and knee draining


Earlier this year i sprained my quad playing football.......the trainer who along with a sports medicine doctor he is associated with practice very modern theory medicine told me that they werent sure if mine was sprained or torn. THey also said it didnt matter it would heal itself in time as long as it wasnt completely torn. Now, a few years ago i hit a board in a skating rink...i didnt suposebly sprain or tear anything but the knee was almost twice its normal size.....the first doc i saw wanted to do surgery to see what wa up inside and drain it in a sterile invroment. THe second drained it right there in his off ice after checking tom make sure everything was intact....it felt better immediately. ANti-biotics shoudl help with the risk of infection although i didnt take any and i was fine. I hope that ive learned something in all of my knee problems(pretty much every year for the past 5 years; sports are rough:eek: ) but i agree, get a second opinion i think it would be beter to get the fluid out of there.
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