Question for you more exsperienced guys

Mike R.

May 1, 2004
I am new to this forum. I can thank my son for that I reckon.
He is now 8 and wanted a dirtbike.
So ofcourse dad had to get a bike also :thumb:
Anyways, my question is I have found a 2003 YZ125 that is like brand new (maybe ridden 8 hours). They are selling it because they decided it was to much bike for their teenage son (they said waaaaaaay to fast).
The price is fantastic and the condition is almost showroom.
It is all stock.
Is the YZ a good bike?
Probably a dumb question but I guess I have been out of the loop to long.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
First off Welcome too DRN..

I have heard nothing bad about the 03YZ125.. WHat is your experience w/motorcycles?? They do require some basic maintenance, such as cleaning air filters, chain adjustment and piston & ring replacement when needed.. Also what type of riding do you plan on doing?? From experience, it is kinda hard too "putt" along w/the kids on a 2 stroke MX'r.. But not impossible.. Also, you may want too check out the "CR,KX, YZ, RM" forum, may find some infor on a 03yz125..
Hope this helps you out,

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I was in the same boat as you. My daughter was 8 when she wanted her 1st dirt bike. I got her a KTM 50 and I just had to get me something too (couldn't let her ride alone :laugh: )
I picked up a 125sx. I agree with rickyd, you might find it hard to putt around behind your kid and not load up or foul plugs but I managed.
The yz125 is a fantastic bike if you're into that type of riding, they liked to be revved out most of the time. If you're just looking to follow your kid or do trail riding, the yz might not be what you're looking for. If you entertain the thought of ripping some dirt yourself then it's the way to go.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Welcome, Mike.

That is a great bike. It is a good one for learning to wrench. Not hard to work on at all.
Like the other guys stated, it is a high-rev bike by nature, but you will be fine with it.
You may be able to find a flywheel weight to place on it to tame it down a bit, but you probably don't need it.
There is loads of info here on how to jet the bike up properly.
Learn how to tune it up proper, the boy will be on it before you know it and you will be wanting a big thumper. :)

What type of riding do you want to do?
Where are you located?

Mike R.

May 1, 2004
Thanks Guys

I do have some exsperience riding (but alot to learn). I used to ride alot then with them being so young I took a break from it.
I am glad to see my son now wanting to get into it.
I think it will provide us with some memorable fun times.
I have owned a KLX300, KDX200, KX125 and the last bike I owned was Mark Burhardt's old CR125.
It is no problem getting on the gas at all. It's once I bite the dust I have quickly found I dont heal as quick as I did when I was a young guy. I found this out the hard way (my son got me going to the local BMX pedal track). Enough pedalling lets work the wrist from now on I told him.
As far as wrenching I have no worries about that. A good manual and I am good to go.
Thanks Again for your input I appreciate it.

Mike R.

May 1, 2004
Oh sorry I didnt awnser your questions.

I am in Ohio. I dont really care where we ride wether its a field, track or trails. I probably will join the local Dayton Motorcycle Club because they are close and have a track my son can ride on. It just so happens directly across the street is Dayton Trailriders which as the name implies is all geared towards trails. I think its only like $10 to join so that is also a possibility. Then I plan on trying New Viennas motocross park which I am told has about 4-5 different tracks with them being based on the riders abilities. Even a junior track for learners like my son.
I mostly trail rode but I would really call it trail racing because where we used to ride was an old gravel pit then there was a wood lot approx 150-200 yards squared which started off high then went low to leave you reclimbing a decent hill. It was almost like a oval track on a decent tilt. It had 2 long straights where you could really hit it good.
So I reckon I would like to be able to do a lil bit of all of it. I think thats why I went back to a 125 I just enjoyed the CR I had and figured the YZ was comparable.


Mar 8, 2004
i have an 03 yz125 and love it-i have not had any problems out of it-i also have a yz250 that is great-it would be hard to putt around, u might foul some plugs-


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Mike, you have the bug again and that's a good thing. :)

Another bit of "experienced" advise....take a good long look at Asterisk!
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