quick question


Mod Ban
May 7, 2002
Better torque. That is why all the arena-x and super-x guys run shorty silencers, they need the low end boost to crank it outta them turns and have enough speed to clear the next double, or triple... :scream:


Mod Ban
May 7, 2002
Well, yes. But I don't think you could take much off of the KDX silencer, because it's not a straight-through pipe. There are chambers in there-I drilled a bunch a holes in mine, huge diff in low end IMO. If it's a straight through after market pipe, you can remove some off the back. Sounds like alotta work, though. You can pick a shorty up for 80 bucks tops. Get a used one, maybe 30 bucks! Good luck, have fun! :aj:
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