
Oct 14, 2009
I just received a service manual for my '97 KDX 220 and I am reading about disassembling the rear shock. I want to install a 5.4kg spring in lieu of the stock 5.0kg. It says to use a hook wrench and loosen the locknut and turn the adjusting nut all the way up the threaded shock body.

Is that really all there is to it? Just use those spanner wrenches or hook wrenches? No other special tool is required to compress the spring to remove spring guide?

Is installation of the new spring just as easy?

While I've got it apart, what else should I inspect or perform maintenance on?


Oct 27, 2008
well as long as your in there you can change the fluid in the shock and have it recharged with nitrogen.

you can check the present charg by trying to pump the shock with out the spring it should rebound with out the spring.

look up the shim stack mod for the front forks its easy and works great


Jul 4, 2005
Clean, then lubricate the threads before you get started.

You can use a hammer and punch to loosen the locking nut, then spin it all the way out of the way. If the threads are lightly oiled, you may be able to just turn the spring and adjusting nut until there is no tension on the nut. You can then turn it by hand.

If you are somehow thinking about it, DO NOT release ANY of the nitrogen from the shock to check for pressure! There is a VERY small quantity at a very high pressure.


Oct 14, 2009
Thanks for the advice. I have successfully made the switch. My service manual said that I had to remove the air box to get the shock out. So, I did remove it. I'm not sure that was totally necessary. It's done and over with now.

I do have a question about the clickers. How many click settings are there? KDXposed recomends 8 to 12 clicks out for both compression and rebound.
Do I turn the clickers counterclockwise all the way until it stops and then go the other way 8-12 clicks? Or go clockwise til it stops and then go the otherway?


Bring back the CR500
Jul 20, 2009
glad2ride said:
LIGHTLY go clockwise until it stops, then counterclockwise 8 -12. It is brass and aluminum, so DO NOT get rough with it.
Glad2ride is absolutely correct about the LIGHTLY. The moment it begins to stiffen when turning clockwise is the end (don't try and seat it hard looking for another click), then back it anti-clockwise to the first click and thats where you count from, or at least that's what my manual says anyway.


Jul 4, 2005
Also, don't worry so much about how many exact clicks out a website or manual tells you. Whether you count the most clockwise position as zero or one, keep doing it how YOU count it, then keep up with how YOU adjust it and how many clicks out YOU set it. As long as you keep using the same system, you will be able to make consistent changes.
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