
Aug 23, 2003
On Friday Jan. 19,2007 State Representative Joel Sheltrown was named Committee Chair for Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Conservation!
This committee oversees the MDNR and Travel in Michigan.

Joel will be introducing legislation to open county road shoulders north of the rifle line in Michigan.
The Bills will be introduced with in the next 3 weeks!

With only 12 reps in the area to be used we need your help to convince the reps in the more populated Southern portion of Michigan to support this legislation.

Write a brief letter to ask them for support.(if you need help e-mail me and I'll send you an example.)[email protected]

We NEED to start NOW even before legislation is introduced

We are at a major crossroads in ORV riding in Michigan. Never before have we had this much support in congress and may never have it again!

Do this NOW before our opportunity runs out!

Thomas Dunn
AMA D-14 Assist. Legislative Director


Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 6, 2003
Hey Tom

I'd be happy to write some letters in behalf of this subject ... but I surmise that I am a bit out of touch with the necessary details.

Who are these 'reps' and where can we find their addresses?

Snail mail or email?

Would you consider posting a list of pertinent points in this thread which we should include in our communications ... they would help us to remain concise but not miss mentioning anything important ... most Politicians prefer short dissertations despite their proclivity for the opposite!

Thanks for your help ... terry nestrick


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Got er done - thanks for info Tom and thanks for the link RJ!!


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001

Dear [State Representative],
I would like to ask you for your support the Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) legislation that will soon be introduced by Representative Joel Sheltrown. These bills would open the shoulders of county roads to allow ORV users to go from the trail system to the nearby communities to obtain food, fuel and lodging. They would help local communities in these trying economic times. It would also allow local residents to go from their homes to the trail system easily for family recreation. Thank you for taking the time to review these bills and for your support.


Oct 30, 2005
bbarel said:
Is there a bill# we should reference?

Here is a copy of the E-mail I received from Sheltrowns office.


I will introduce legislation regulating the use of ORVs/ATVs on county road shoulders within the next three weeks. A House committee hearing on this bill is tenatively planned for February. It would be helpful if you could contact your state representative and state senator to express your support for this legislation as soon as possible. If you do not know who your legislators are or how to contact them, please feel free to e-mail me and I will provide you with that information.

A summary of the final draft bill (with changes made from the public comment period) is attached.

Thank you,

Joel Sheltrown
State Representative

Summary of the Legislation:

Every county except Keweenaw in the Upper Peninsula and a growing number of counties in the northern Lower Peninsula have adopted local ordinances in recent years permitting the use of ORVs/ATVs on county road shoulders. An advisory letter issued by an Assistant Attorney General in 2006 suggests these ordinances do not comply with statutory law. This legislation would clarify that counties have the authority to permit the operation of ORVs/ATVs on county road shoulders. It would provide for standardized regulations regarding their operation. It would allow counties to create a penalty funded revenue source for enforcement and remediation activities. It would greatly limit the liability faced by county road commissions, counties, and municipalities.

Key Points:

• A county board of commissioners would have the ability to adopt an ordinance permitting the operation of ORVs/ATVs on streets and roads under its jurisdiction (not state or federal highways). The county board of commissioners could extend this authority to its local municipalities.

• The bill would limit this authority to counties located north of Townline 12. The southernmost tier of counties would include Mason, Lake, Osceola, Clare, Gladwin, & Arenac.

• ORVs/ATVs would be required to operate single file with the flow of traffic on the extreme right side of a street or road right-of-way.

• The bill would create a maximum speed limit of 25 mph unless a lower speed limit is posted.

• Operation would only be allowed from dawn to dusk.

• Beginning January 1, 2010, any ORV/ATV operating on a county road shoulder would be required to have a working headlight and taillight.

• The bill would prohibit anyone under 18 years of age from operating an ORV/ATV on a county road shoulder who was not under the direct supervision of a parent/guardian unless they hold a valid drivers licenses or are currently allowed to operate such a vehicle (farming purposes, disability, etc.)

• A county would be permitted to create a civil infraction for violations of the act with a fine not to exceed $500 plus the actual costs of any court ordered remediation for damages.

• Fines collected under the act would be placed in a county ORV fund. 50% of the funds would be distributed to the county sheriff for law enforcement & training purposes. The remaining 50% would be distributed to the county road commission for signing and remediation purposes.

• In the event of an accident, the operator of the ORV/ATV would be considered prima facie negligent.

• A county road commission would have the authority to close up to 30% of county roads to ORVs/ATVs to protect the environment or if a particular threat to public safety exists.

• A county board of commissioners, county road commission, and local municipalities would be immune from tort liability arising from damages sustained by the operation of an ATV/ORV on a county road shoulder except in cases of gross negligence. Even then, this very limited liability would end at the edge of the normally traveled portion of the road (white line, edge of blacktop, etc.) The county would not be responsible to maintain any road/street shoulder for use by ORVs/ATVs.


Aug 23, 2003
To All:

Your Rep. is your State rep and can be found by going to the web page given by RJ.(thanks) and then sent to:
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909

No Bill # yet as they will be introduce with in 3 weeks but was asked to get everyone going NOW!
Snail mail is best a a phone call never hurts( just speak with the person thatanswers the phone.)
E-mails appear to be discarded here but I generally e-mail, snail mail Fax and call to insure it was recieved and read.
I'm Anal!
I will personally call each and every rep within the next week but your letters mean more to them then anything I do!

Pass this along we need to mobilize get your family and friend to write.


Thomas Dunn
AMA D-14
Assit. Legislative Director


Dec 18, 2006
I went to the state web sight to get my representatives e-maile address. I typed my zip code in the representative search engine and I got three reps listed for my zip code. I e-mailed all three and signed my name and city. All the reps will assume I am in their distric so I should get triple the effectiveness of my e-mails. Check to see if your zip lists more than one rep. If it does, e-mail them all. I also told them why it would help me to get legislation passed. "Dear representative Steil: Could you please support any upcoming ORV/snowmobile legislation. My family and I truly enjoy traveling north to dirt bike and snowmobile. I teach my kids to ride safely and respect the environment, and my kids are so devoted to riding they don't have time for drugs or trouble making. Any legislation that increases tail mileage and trail access helps me keep my kids busy and on the right track." thanks B. Larson Alto MI. Anecdotes are allway helpful.


Apr 9, 2002
tdunn976 said:
On Friday Jan. 19,2007 State Representative Joel Sheltrown was named Committee Chair for Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Conservation!
This committee oversees the MDNR and Travel in Michigan.

Joel will be introducing legislation to open county road shoulders north of the rifle line in Michigan.
The Bills will be introduced with in the next 3 weeks!

Does this mean that some counties could allow ORV usage on the road in counties that have no ORV trail system?????


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
sanford said:
Does this mean that some counties could allow ORV usage on the road in counties that have no ORV trail system?????
I don't see anything in the proposal that requires ORV trails in the county in order to allow ORVs on shoulders, so I think YES!


Apr 9, 2002
I HOPE that is not true. If I'm not mistaken, the purpose of allowing ORV's on the shoulder is for them to access gas stations, hotels, etc from the trail itself. This may have its benefits. I dont understand the reason for allowing ORV's to run wherever they choose on the shoulders of roads in northern Michigan, if in fact that is what the proposal is for.

My thoughts are based on the large amount of VERY nice residential areas and the large amount of idiots that own ORVs.


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
I believe the bill just gives counties legal backing to allow ORVs on road shoulders, but each county decides if they will alow this and which roads/areas they will allow this on.

• A county board of commissioners would have the ability to adopt an ordinance permitting the operation of ORVs/ATVs on streets and roads under its jurisdiction (not state or federal highways). The county board of commissioners could extend this authority to its local municipalities.

• A county road commission would have the authority to close up to 30% of county roads to ORVs/ATVs to protect the environment or if a particular threat to public safety exists.


Aug 23, 2003
sanford said:
I HOPE that is not true. If I'm not mistaken, the purpose of allowing ORV's on the shoulder is for them to access gas stations, hotels, etc from the trail itself. This may have its benefits. I dont understand the reason for allowing ORV's to run wherever they choose on the shoulders of roads in northern Michigan, if in fact that is what the proposal is for.

My thoughts are based on the large amount of VERY nice residential areas and the large amount of idiots that own ORVs.
The intent is to allow the orv's and the communities to obtain the benefits and economic gains of ORV users from the trail system to the surrounding communities, also allow area residents to ride from thier homes to the trail system.ORV's are a all year round benefit compared to the snowmobiles which due to weather no longer pay the bills in the winter.
If a legislator from south of the line wants ,they can add a provision to the bill.I do not believe this will occur but could.
The bill would mean the County would first have to sign on first and then the township. It only makes it possible not mandatory!
Offenders would pay a healthy fine with 50% going to law enforcement and thier training and 50% going to the Road Commission.
In the counties already doing this the problems have not been seen according to local law enforcement agencies. But we all know IDIOTS to generally prevail and are who we hear about! Not the people following the law.We will HAVE to help police our own.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
FWIW - there is a meeting in Gaylord on Monday (which I can not attend) being held by the DNR to solicit input on road shoulder use. My impression from prior posts, DNR opposes this effort in a big way. Our local paper (Montmorency County Tribune) published a small blurb about the meeting, stating that our county Sherrif and Road Commission will have people there to communicate their SUPPORT of open road shoulders. Our Sheriff was quoted in the paper as saying he feels it is of significant economic benefit to the community, and that he strongly supports continuing it in the county. Clearly there is no issue from our local County government perspective. (recall a post i did about this topic this summer, asking for people to send letters to the Montmorency County sheriff and road commission...maybe that helped?) I sure wish I could attend that meeting on Monday though...

Tom - will there be any D-14 or other pro ORV people at that meeting that you know of? FWIW - I strongly agree with your comment about policing our own. I have had more than my share of trail side chats with some of these "idiots" locally. Peer pressure is strong force I hope.


Oct 30, 2005
KTM Mike said:
FWIW - there is a meeting in Gaylord on Monday (which I can not attend) being held by the DNR to solicit input on road shoulder use. My impression from prior posts, DNR opposes this effort in a big way. Our local paper (Montmorency County Tribune) published a small blurb about the meeting, stating that our county Sherrif and Road Commission will have people there to communicate their SUPPORT of open road shoulders. .


Do you have more info on this meeting as in where, when, and exactly who is putting it on. I tried to find info about it online and wasn't able to find anything.




Jan 19, 2004
Dear Denny:

Thank you for writing to share your thoughts about legislation impacting the use of Off Road Vehicles (ORVs).

After receiving your correspondence, I spoke with Representative Sheltrown about his legislation. It is my understanding that the proposed bill would give Northern Michigan counties the ability to allow ORVs to use the shoulder of county roads in certain circumstances. Because the legislation would not mandate this policy, but simply give the option to counties to implement it, I may be open to supporting the bill. Please know that I appreciate your comments and will keep them in mind as the bill works its way through the Michigan House of Representatives.

Again, thank you for writing. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in any other matter.


Howard C. Walker
State Representative
104th District


Aug 23, 2003
Tom - will there be any D-14 or other pro ORV people at that meeting that you know of? FWIW - I strongly agree with your comment about policing our own. I have had more than my share of trail side chats with some of these "idiots" locally. Peer pressure is strong force I hope.[/QUOTE said:
Sorry to say first that I have heard about this meeting!
Sometimes the powers that be do not inform us to try and solicit oppions from people that are not associated with us.
Due to work and several other meetings I will not be able to get there but will be at the NOVACC meetings in Grayling Feb.
and at conservation summit in Lansing.

If any one is able to go to gaylord meeting, Please do and report back.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Tom, RJ - I really wish I could be there - frustrating that they do this stuff when "normal folk" like us...the ones they work for cant be there! And, ironically a similar meeting (in a different post) in Grayling the following weekend - right in my back yard practically, and I will be going down to the AMA Museum for Penton Days at the AMA...oh well. I really have to wonder if this is somewhat deliberate on the DNR's part - a low key, not well announced meeting, that they have made sure primarily supportors of their view will know about will be there. It would be great if we can get some bikers there.

Anyhow - here is the full text of what I read in the paper.

Headline: Meeting on ORV road use planned:

The Michigan DNR will hold a meeting on Monday, January 29, 10:00 AM to noon, at the DNR Gaylord Operations Service Center to discuss the use of county roads for ORV Traffic. Representatives of the Montmorency County Sheriff Department and the Montmorency County Road Commission will be in attendance.

Currently all county roads in Montmorency County are open to ORV use. The DNR is proposing to ORV's be limited to only the roads necessary to serve as access routes between designated ORV trails.

Sherrif Doug Baum said this week that he opposes the restriction of ORV use as it would result in fewer tourism dollars entering the county and loss of revenue to local buinesses.

So, there is all I have right now. If I have a chance, I will see if I can call the newspaper or the Sheriffs office for more info. If any of you interested can do so before I do - feel free and post here! Here are some other contact phone numbers:

Montmorency County Tribune: 989-785-4214 Editor is Jim Young

Montmorency County Sheriffs Department 989-785-4238 Sheriff Doug Baum (a real nice guy, and clearly a supportor of ORVs - tell him I sent you - he knows me)

Montmorency County Road Commission: 989-785-3334 (dont know contact name off hand).

Department of Natural Resources: Gaylord Operations Service Center 989-732-3541


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
Sheesh I thought the DNR is supposed to manage Natural Resources. What is up with these guys thinking they can control county ROADS. Give me a break! Ok rant over.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
No Bret - rants not over... Wouldnt it be great if the DNR would let the Sherriff worry about the roads and take the time/dollars that they (DNR) are spending on this issue and maybe use it to fill in some of the holes and rutes they left in our forests, that we are not allowed to enter cause we might cause errosion, while ripping down our trees??? And if they arent to tired after that, maybe they could replant some of those same areas so or children have something to look at besides big brushy rutted out fields??? Ohhhhhh wait a minute, I just looked up "Department of Natural Resources" in the dictionary and it says - Department resondsible for everything non related to Nature and the Resources it provides so I was wrong.....
I will take my rant to the grave with me thank you...


Oct 30, 2005
KTM Mike said:
Headline: Meeting on ORV road use planned:

The Michigan DNR will hold a meeting on Monday, January 29, 10:00 AM to noon, at the DNR Gaylord Operations Service Center to discuss the use of county roads for ORV Traffic. Representatives of the Montmorency County Sheriff Department and the Montmorency County Road Commission will be in attendance.


Somebody from the CCC will be at that meeting. I don't know who yet, but I can tell you it will be one of us. Thanks for the info, as Tom said we aren't always notified of these things thats why we need you folks that live in these areas to keep us clued in.



KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
RJ - great, glad to hear that. I feel much better knowing we will be represented!

A suggestion I would offer is to contact the Montmorency County Sherrif - see if you guys could coordinate somehow with them - here the CCC is, representing X,xxx ORV users, who host events in various counties, including Montmorency County, and according to the county locals, no issues bla bla bla. ROS had a big, positive impact on the community - when you can talk numbers like that positively impacting a small town, AND have the Sheriff AND Road Commission right there supporting you, is a pretty strong statement! It would also be interesting to see if the Sheriff would bring out comment along the line of Bret and Scotts comment - why does the DNR feel they have jurisdiction anyhow?


Oct 30, 2005
KTM Mike said:
RJ - great, glad to hear that. I feel much better knowing we will be represented!

A suggestion I would offer is to contact the Montmorency County Sherrif - see if you guys could coordinate somehow with them - here the CCC is, representing X,xxx ORV users, who host events in various counties, including Montmorency County, and according to the county locals, no issues bla bla bla. ROS had a big, positive impact on the community - when you can talk numbers like that positively impacting a small town, AND have the Sheriff AND Road Commission right there supporting you, is a pretty strong statement! It would also be interesting to see if the Sheriff would bring out comment along the line of Bret and Scotts comment - why does the DNR feel they have jurisdiction anyhow?


Just a note to let you know that we probably aren't going to post our gameplan here, (too many eyes) but you can rest assured your opinion is in line with ours. Will let you know how things go.


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