Ride Saturday 1/25


Aug 29, 2000
steph, you're more than welcome. As placelast said, I don't think this ride will have as much intensity because we are not as familiar with the area as say, Stonyford. I don't know placelast, but Jonala and I are easy people to ride with, so come on.

UnkleMoose, my "good luck" continues. I broke my rear sprocket on a rock on the first lap. :| If I did this right, I have attached a picture of the sprocket.


  • sprocket.jpg
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Sep 20, 2000

Clear Creek is an intermediate to expert level terrain. We will be in exploring mode. Meaning "I wonder what this trail is like"? We will wait at every intersection. Jim is an very good B rider, I'm a struggling C. rider.

You are welcome to join us.

Plus I've an XR250 how fast could I go? :ugg:

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I wish I could join you guys!

I have had the pleasure of riding with Placelast/John, and he is a very good rider. He was the trail boss on my ride with him, and John was great at keeping our group together for a fun ride.

Trails at CC can go from moderate to tough in a short distance, but that place has some excellent riding. Placelast, you are going to love it. :cool:


Jul 1, 2000
I tried to stay away from this thread but Clear Creek is too fun ;) Any room in the Sunday 1-26 group? What time and staging area y'all meeting?

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
Originally posted by fremontguy
I tried to stay away from this thread but Clear Creek is too fun ;) Any room in the Sunday 1-26 group? What time and staging area y'all meeting?

FG, I don't think that would be a problem. At this point it looks like it is just placelast, Phil Douglas, & myself.

I will be at Oak Flat between 9 & 9:30.


Jul 1, 2000
To quote Bill and Ted,"excellent". I'll look for you folks Sunday.


Dec 16, 2002
Thanks for the welcomes with regard to the Saturday ride, but this morning I was given some tix to the supercross tomorrow, and the trip to CC will be too much in a short day--hopefully another day...I'll look for posts---I am gonna ride a bit closer though, probably Carnegie if anyone else in the Bay area is interested for tomorrow and/or Sunday.

thanks again, Pete ('Steph' is my wife)

Unkle Moose

Jan 16, 2001
Hey BigBird what kind of sprocket was that?

You should have come riding at Stoneyford instead of racing!
See ya at the national.

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
Looks like a Moose sprocket.

I always ride on Super Bowl sunday at CC. This year the Raiders made it and I'm going to the SX on saturday and out with friends after the race. I will get home btwn 2 and 3 am. I don't think I'll make it this year :| .
Have fun people!


Aug 29, 2000
Yep, that was (and I repeat was) a Moose sprocket.

Boy what a perfect day for riding. Clear Creek was about as good as I've seen it. Moderate temps, fantastic traction, and no dust. I got about a mile and a half from the campground and my chain let loose. I guess I should have looked closer at my chain and replaced it along with my sprocket. After a couple of repair stops, I was good to go. In the meantime, Jonala took placelast and D36-109A for a ride. I think he followed some of the trail that was in last year's Wild Piglet. I joined them after lunch and we put in about 40 miles of terrific riding. When Clear Creek is cooperating, it can be some of the best riding. The ride was easy to moderate until the end when Jonala stumbled on to a downhill in the manzanita that I remembered from the Wild Boar. It is an extremely steep downhill that winds down through the manzanita to the main road. A fitting challenge to end a day's ride.

Oh yeah, when you shorten your chain on a KTM to where the adjusters are all the way in, be prepared for some interesting uphill wheelies.
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Sep 20, 2000
You guys are great to ride with. :yeehaw: It's been a while where I was the person needing encouraging words. :whiner: If you guys weren't there I would of walked down some of those descents.

Also thanks for your patience on my leading us into dead ends.

Jim how do you go so fast downhill while staying seated? :worship: I need to learn how to do that. :aj:

I did learn that I'm not ready for the Quicksliver.


Aug 29, 2000
John, it's because I'm old and my knees won't hold me up for long downhills anymore.


Jul 1, 2000
Day 2 Sunday turned out to a great day also. Only 5 groups of riders in entire area with dry, loamy conditions. Rooty trails that were a challenge in the mud during new years ride were now a piece of cake, traction. Placelast and I went hunting new trails up and around Santa Rita Peak and came up with a few choice sections. The hills over there were a combination of deep loamy soil and pine needles. This made the downhills interesting, a combination of free-falling with no braking, stopping&nbsp;effect.&nbsp;Fun day was had.


Sep 20, 2000

If you, me and Belinda end up on the same minute, no need to worry. I know that I will ride over my head to cover my inabilities. ;)


Apr 11, 2001
Say guys: I posted my observations in the Ride Reports Fourm.

Jonala: FJ's sister placed the maps out for Sunday pickup, not Saturday...


Dec 3, 2002
We only went .6 miles before Bigbird's chain broke. I used the downtime to replace my clutch lever, which had its ball end broken off in the parking lot when my bike fell off its sidestand and tipped over into my truck. In the first loop we did while Bigbird was pumpkin-wrenching, we lost placelast within a few miles.

After rejoining for the second loop, I pointed out to Bigbird his bike was leaking oil and he said it was hydraulic fluid and he didn't mind. I had no idea Katooms had black hydraulic fluid.

We followed a bunch of new ribbon (Quicksilver course?) and did a few u-turns and wrong-ways, but Jonala never let us down by getting us into horrible situations. Although that rocky downhill I remember from the QS was pretty bad, it was fairly short. At the bottom, Bigbird followed a hint of a trail into manzanita and I stayed back. I recalled doing something similarly unwise at this same place at the QS years ago so I waited. That's when Bigbird came back and said he had an oil leak. Well no kidding! We took the second-easiest looking trail out and back to the main road.

Bigbird eventually fixed his leak and rejoined us.

I was at Clear Creek just two weeks previous, when I covered 55 miles of trails. This time around I think we rode on only one trail I did on my last ride. This place is huge!

The pace set by Jonala (sometimes Bigbird) was good. I only wanted to go faster on some of the downhills and I dropped off the pace on the choppy, whooped-out uphills. But we were all good about waiting at intersections and nobody was more than a few seconds behind. I got the impression Bigbird could have gone a lot faster, but he was content with the pace and usually wanted to ride in the sweep position.

The last trail on the last loop was a little too much, a single rut snaking downhill through bushes and manzanita. Once I stalled it I just held the clutch in and paddled along. One bush snagged my goggles pretty good and another got under my visor and almost took me off my bike.

My enduro computer recorded 42 miles at the end of the day.

Let's do it again sometime! I'm thinking Stonyford next weekend.


Jul 21, 2002
Eric, Did you make it down on Saturday? Sorry I missed you, was at Jade Mill with a couple of other TMC members....
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