Riverside County OHV Ordinance- Latest


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
A Riverside County judge ruled against many of the ridiculous regulations that a few curmudgeons were trying to push through this summer. Some of the squashed regulations included limited days of the week that a person could ride a motorcycle on his own property, limited number of riders that could ride at one time on the property, and limited hours that anyone could ride. The only regulations that will be enforced are a dusk-to-dawn riding time, a dust-control regulation, and a noise limit of 65 decibels at the property line. These are all fairly reasonable regulations."



Jan 27, 2000
JPIVEY said:
These are all fairly reasonable regulations."

I agree Jim.

They are going to re-write the ordinance to make it easier to understand.

Thanks to everyone that attended a meeting, wrote a letter or sent an email. We CAN make a difference. :cool: :yeehaw:

Next meeting will be on Oct. 26th.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead


Feb 2, 2005
Jim/Terry, Yeah Team!! Thanks for the update, good news. I am happy to hear that the restrictive elements of the Ordinance were addressed. I do not know if you heard this or not but I was told by someone who attended that the National Rifle Association had a representative present to present stong opposition to some of the language in the new Noise Ordinance and how it may impact peoples right to shoot and they are gearing up to take on the Noise Ordinance.

Could it be that the AMA and NRA are scheming up something diabolical for our poor RC planners ??? Nahhhhh :laugh:
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