Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
It seems like for the past couple of years, something always comes up and I can't make the Rockford enduro. This year however, will be my first time riding there. I've heard it makes Clanton look like flat land. Can anyone tell me what to expect, other than alot of rocks and big hills?

Also, does anyone know if there will be many spectator points. For the first time ever, my mom said she would like to come and bring my son to watch instead of her just babysitting at her house. :eek: I'm not sure that's a good thing but I'd hate for them to have to sit at camp for hours without anything to really see.


Dec 6, 1999
I rode my first enduro at Rockford 3 years ago ( 1/2 in the rain) and I've been lucky enough to make them every year since. It's a great course with a lot of different terrain. The hills are a little bigger than Clanton in elevation but not too steep to give you any trouble. It doesn't have as many steep switchbacks going up and down. You usually have a good run at the hills at Rockford.
The course has more open sections to let you rest compared to Clantons relentless 50 mi. of single track. I guess I would rate it as a little easier than Clanton. There are more and bigger rocks than Clanton in general. If it rains before the race, a set of s-12's would be nice on the muddy hills but otherwise, intermediate's would suffice.
As far as spectator points, I remember seeing people around the course in different areas usually on some steep hill climb so I would guess there will be some. Call Phillip McMillan about that. I you can't find his # on the SERA site, email me and I'll give it to you.
BTW, are you riding the BT&T race at Clanton or working that one?
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Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Thanks for the info Mark. It sounds like a really fun race. I don't like mud but I like dust even less. A little rain would be great!

I'm planning on working BT&T. I've got family plans this Sat. and Sun. but I'm going to try to make a work day on Monday.


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000
I'll be at Rockford on row 35 with KDXfile. This is a fun and challenging course, a little rain before the race would be useful. Pick your lines carefully on the up hills. Many will have alternate lines, some easy some hard. Also, if you cut a quick line be careful, Rockford is known for its vines:eek:

Neely, I may be at Clanton on Monday to ride (not work). I'll bring your Breezy Hill plaque just in case your there, otherwise I'll give it to you a Rockford.


Jul 21, 2001
Hey Lemming my buddy and I are making the drive up from central Florida to race the rockford enduro and I noticed that you know that your riding on row 35. I was just wondering how you found that out already. I raced a harescramble in Rockford about 3 years ago and it was a blast, so I thought I'd try it out again. Do you have any idea of the track conditions? I haven't been watching the weather for that area lately. Thanks and any other info would be appreciated. See you at the race.;)


Sep 5, 1999
Zippy22, If you pre inter you can request a row.
This is a very good race and a very fast course if I remember correctly. I
cant make it this year due to the date change, maby next year.


Jul 21, 2001
Hey Mark It thanks for the reply. I was already aware that you can pre-enter and request a row, but as far as I knew that doesn't mean that your going to get the row that you requested right? Like if the club has already filled up the row that you requested than they will give you the earliest row available. I just wasn't sure if lemming knew something that I didn't. I might try to call the club and maybe thay will tell me, but probablly not. To bad you can't make it, from what I remember it was a really fun coarse. The hills and off camber stuff is something that's not a normal sight to us floridians. I'm use to sand whoops and pine trees. Well gotta run and thanks for the info.


Looking for single women!
Jan 19, 2000

I guess my post should have said, "I should be on row 35".

We got a lot of rain over the past week but it's already drying up. I can't tall you much about Rockford, I get to ride there only once a year when they have the Enduro. Last year it was great. Expect lots of rocks, some rocky uphills, and lots of fun.

I'll get there Sunday morning about 6:30.


Jul 21, 2001
Hey Shawn you can sign up sunday morning from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m.. As far as gas stops go I'm not sure but if you contact Phillip McMillan at (334)567-3352, he can probablly give you a good idea. But if I had to guess, seeings how the race is going to be around 50 miles. I'd say the gas would be around the midway point, give or take ten miles. Also Lemming thanks for the info about the rain situation, I was wondering if it was going to be muddy or not. But from the sounds of it, as long as it doesn't rain a bunch this week we should be in for a fun event.


Jul 21, 2001
Hey Shawn, I'm from a very little town about one hour north of Orlando, in Altoona. It is in the southern most part of the Ocala National Forest, just off of hwy 19 and just north of hwy 445 if you were to look at a map. It's basicly in the middle of nowhere. Nice place to grow up for a youngen looking to get into trouble, seeings how there's not much you could do to get yourself into trouble. I just road dirtbike's, the old neighbor's didn't like it to much real late at night. What you gonna do, you can't please everyone. Not everyone likes the sound of a weedeater wide open at midnight running up and down the road. Well Shawn I gotta run I ride a 00' KDX 220, #22A and I'll be with my buddy in his full size maroone F-150 and he rides a CR250 with a yellow front fender, I still don't know what he was thinking. SEE YA.

shawn sharp

May 14, 2001
Hey zippy22 - I should say "you are from the middle of nowhere". I know where altoona is. I used to spend alot of time in ocala NF - good memories. I will be riding a red '01 GG250 XC, black f-150 p/up. I will be tagging along with a couple of ktm pumpkins. Have a safe trip! Was your friend thinking --- MacDonald's?


Jul 21, 2001
Hey Shawn, In the middle of nowhere is the absolute truth and I never thought he was going for the Ronald McDonald look, but just maybe. I'll have to ask him, or I'll have my wife ask him she get's a kick out of picking on him for it. Well I'll be looking for you at the race. You have a safe trip as well and I'll see you there. SEE YA!

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