Roll offs.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
What is the general consensus about rolloffs. I had a set once and rode about half a day with them until I caught them on a limb and then had a five foot string of plastic following me flapping in the wind. I also lost one of the pieces to it when I hit the tree.

Even with my bad luck I am considering buying another setup. Am I crazy?? Are they worth the high dollar they cost? Are they effective in an enduro??

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Tried 'em. Hated 'em. If muddy water gets between the film and your goggle lens, you will have a big mess. Malfunctions are too common on the ones I've tried.

Proper goggle prep and a spare pair or two will greatly reduce the desire for rolloffs.


Mar 11, 2000
I'm of the opinion, that for competing in adverse weather conditions offroad, there a must. Just like bike prep, there is proper goggle (roll-off) prep. I have seen most of the techniques to cure thier ailments posted, do a search. Of course where I live and ride, damp/misty races are very common. One thing I have learned over the years, the goggles do not come off if at all possible.


Sep 15, 2000
I've tried rolloffs and tear offs and both have their advantages and disadvantages but keep those goggles on. At my last enduro it was so muddy most riders ended up without any goggles however a coutionary tale. At a previous enduro my throttle jammed on a whoop section between two thorn hedges and before I could clutch in I was sideways through the hedge. Blood everywhere from deep cuts on my face, I still have the scars on my nose ! but without goggles it would also have been my eyes. I would rather now retire early from a race than risk my eyesight but a better idea is to have spare goggles and preferably a friend in the pits who will keep a pair clean for a quick changeover.
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