running rough

snake keeper

Aug 7, 2001
Hey guys my 2001 220 hesitates at about mid range,so I took off the carburetor and found the slow jet to be clogged. Put everything back together and went riding. It ran better than ever, almost like new, but after about 10 minutes of riding it started to run poorly again. Took it home washed the gas tank out, cleaned the jets again! Took fuel valve assembly apart and cleaned it. Started it up and ran it down the street. Same problem again!! What am I missing????????????? Oh, I also checked the air box just for the heck of it. I am using Castor 9** [ can't think of the correct numbers] for premix @40:1


Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
Filter your fuel as you fill your tank - maybe contaminated source? Old gas can? If no, then you know its in your system somewhere (fuel line?).
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