
Feb 1, 2001
After my ACL injury in July, I have not been the same when I try to do some running. I could hold my own in a 5k (17-18 minutes) but now after the ACL, I can barely break 24 minutes! Funny thing is I feel pretty good on the bike, but when I run, it takes at least two days for my knee to recover. Am I just looking for too much too soon? Or is there things that I can do to help with the running? Is the running really that much more impact on my knee than riding is?? I love running and I put some serious mileage in during the Enduro season to help with the cardio. Any suggestions would be great!!!



Jul 5, 2001
I'm not sure, but my friend had his reconstructed in Nov. and right now he runs fine(he never really ran good)except that he does not do anything that involves hard planting of the feet like shuttle runs and such, but I have seen him do sprints and he looks like he used to.Maybe he just healed faster?I'm not sure, but I know he didn't go to physical therapy as long as it was recommended by the Doc and hardly did his excercises.:think


May 8, 2000
I had to have the cartlage repaired in mine when I had the ACL replaced. It took me a good while to get back with out pain because of all the scraping they had to do.


May 27, 2000
Every injury and ACL reconstruction is different depending on the person, but
for my 1st ACL I came back quickly (2 months) and played 2 years of Div 1 soccer without a hitch. My running form was even better after surgery:)
Just give it time and start chipping away at those 5k runs when you do
run them. I was discouraged at first when running but soon realized it was me being out of shape and trying to run at my old times. I then started longer distances (5-8 mile) with slower 8 min/miles to improve my lung capacity and work on form. Slowly I brought down the mileage and brought up the intensity. Never experienced any pain though while running, cutting, and doing upper level plyometrics. Have you seen your doctor again and brought up these questions? Please share more!


Feb 1, 2001
Here's the scoop...I went down in a small rutted turn, almost a flat turn. Back tire washed out, foot planted, bike pivoted and landed on my left knee. I pulled the ACL from my tibia along with a nice chunk of bone. Ortho said that there was a good chance that it will heal itself back, or I had to get it surgically attached back on. I opted for no surgery. This all happened this past July. I was back on my feet walking in 4 weeks, and did some PT for 6 weeks. The bone healed correctly and the doc said I could resume working out back in November. I can get about 3-3.5 miles in and I feel good cardio wise, but my knee is on fire. It takes a good two days to recover before I can run again.

147, I like your approach of taking things slower. I think I might be expecting too much too soon. I am gonna try and go out at a slower pace (if my ego will let me) and try to get some good distance in...I haven't even tried to do any sprints or intervals yet, don't trust it....

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001

Try mixing in bike riding, that running will beat up your knees. You can build strength and cardio on a bike and allow your knee to heal too. I've been bike riding in the summer and it helped my stamina a lot. I need to lost a bunch of weight now. Bike ride every other time.
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