Saline valley?


Jul 21, 2001
I will be heading to saline valley at the end of march with my wife and her parents. My mother in law says she always sees dirt bike out there and I should bring mine. Saline valley is about 60 miles Southeast of bishop CA supposedly. Im wondering what to expect if I bring my bike out there, is it open riding, designated areas, green sticker, spark arrester? What type of trails?


Aug 2, 2001
I was at Saline valley in Dallas last week.

Varried terrain. Some mountains looked too big to handle. Can be intimidating at times. Be smart and stay within your limits. And PLEASE wear your protective gear. I dont even think about that place without my gear on!

I felt more comfortable after a few drinks. Take a bunch of ones and don't get a dance from every girl.

Saline valley here in Dallas is what we lovingly call Northwest Hwy. (Where all the stip clubs are)

:) :)


Nov 2, 2001
I think he means Saline Valley in to Death Valley. :uh:


I lived in Saline Valley for a couple of years mining gold with my grandfather back in the early 80s. I don't have any idea about green stickers, et al, but most of the area was open when I was there. Do your in-laws live out there, also? Our claim was at the base of Marble Canyon. If they're in the area, they'll know right where it's at.

The terrain is AWESOME (literally)!!!! The views from the elevations cannot be believed. It makes you feel really insignificant. It ranges all the way from high mountain passes (usually very loose shale) to salt flats in the basins. You didn't say what your were taking out there, but needless to say it should be in perfect running condition and prepped to the max. This is one area you do not want to break down in. If you get a chance check in with the local Honda dealer (can't remember the name) and see if any locals are heading out that way.

Speaking of that, if you do go adventuring out there (especially alone), it would be wise to leave a flight plan with the ranger's office in Bishop. That way if you don't check in after a certain time they will sent out a recon party to check on you. It's better to be safe than dead! Make sure you also pack a survival blanket and first aid kit. I could tell you some really gruesome stories, but my fingers are getting tired.

Check out Dunes Nat. park if you get a chance. It's incredible, but you can't ride on it. Also, if someone can guide you to the hot springs at the end of Marble Canyon, there used to be some incredible babes that came out from LA to skinny dip.....don't bring the Mrs. :p


Jul 21, 2001
My mother in law is big on hot springs, shes an old hippie I dont know if thats the one were heading to though. Im taking my 01 wr426 out there it shouldnt break down, Im not planing on riding real far from the truck just some goofing off while everyone is sitting around, but that was before I knew about the naked girls. Im trying to get a couple friends to come too and if they do I will explore farther from the truck.
My main question is where can I ride? My mom in law seems to think you cant ride anywhere but on the roads, Im betting shes totally clueless on this though.


Nov 2, 2001

It's been a long time since I was out there. But, I'd say the best resource would be the local bike shops in Bishop (I don't think there was one in Lone Pine, but there might be one in Ridgecrest). You might also be able to get info from the BLM (if they're in a good mood). Things started changing drastically when I moved from there back to the midwest. The government started sucking up land and shutting down miners and other outcasts in the high desert. Your mother in law may be may have to stick to the graded roads. But, It'll stil be a good time. :confused:
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