
Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Congratulations to Tutu racing! What a race, I hope Kdub is okay. And it would rule if Hanson gets fined 50,000. It should be a rule, the pros have to race on a crappy wet track. Actually the track held up well, for the cards the crew was dealt, great job. Tomac rode a great race, if he was a foot shorter I would of thought it was RC! Past that, not a mud racer in the state that night. I used to feel solid with Kdub, but am curious of late?

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
Reed rode great. San Diego has to be one of his favorite venues.

Good race, but was disappointed Speed did not show what happened to Villopoto. Pit stop, lost fender and numberplate, and came back from 20th to what, 6th or 7th? That's a great ride. The guy is the points leader - it's not asking too much to have a camera on him.

At the risk of being called a hater, it looks like JBS had nothing for Reed or Dungey, and Canard and RV were also as fast as Bubba.

I'm loving this SX season, but the bad breaks are playing way too big a part for my taste. Dungey especially got hosed with that derailed chain. It may all even out by Las Vegas, though. Would be sweet to have 4 or 5 guys with a title shot at the last round.

Oh, and Tomac dominated the Lites. He was in a class by himself that race. Will be fun to see if he keeps it up. Nice to see Rattray do well, too. Roczen had the fastest qualifying time, but had trouble in the race and took a step back.

I still want Tickle to take the West Lites.


Jun 29, 2003
Reed looked good. I think the SX season is pretty good considering SX is a filler sport for me. Looks like the guys up front are pretty even in track times. I hope it reamins this way and we have multiple contenders down to the wire. In fact I'd like to see CR, JBS, RV2, TC, Kdub, DM, AS, and oh yeah, (my wifes fav) what's his name, uh, Ryan D, all battle back and forth.


Jul 27, 2009
Whats with the hate on Hanson? Yeah, he may be a douche but what I witnessed in San Diego was not dirty. It was just hard racing. When Cunningham (being a douche himself) passed Hanson in the air and did a tail whip at him while staring him down I'm sure it pissed Hanson off a bit. That being said, when he block passed him he did not run into Cunningham's bike. He just gave him nowhere to go. He didn't kick him or run into his bike. Tit for tat.

Villopoto looked great even though he had to work his way up from 20th. In one interview he said he got hit from both sides and then pulled into the pits to get his mangled fender removed. I still haven't found who he tangled with but I believe Kdub might have been one of them. Glad to hear Kdub is OK.

JS stalling his bike was hilarious! I can't believe that happened but that just goes to show anything can happen!


Dec 31, 1969
Yeah, he may be a douche but what I witnessed in San Diego was not dirty. It was just hard racing.
You sure you were watching the right race?

Another good one! James looked way-off, Reed didn't look like he had anything for Canard until Trey dumped it, then seemed to back it way down. Dungey & RP looked to be the fastest out there.

Looking forward to next week. Good to know I won't have to watch that scroat puller Hanson for a couple weeks :p


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
What I saw was a frustrated Hanson who is hurt and was going backwards in a hurry who likely didn't like the way Cunningham went by him. In the heat of the moment he decided to school him. IMO it was a douchebag move and that was also the opinion of Emig who left no doubt about it on the broadcast.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I really hate to admit to being on the same page as Jethro, but it was pretty obvious. I even take it that KC is not one of the best attitude racers on the track. In the heat of the battle goes a long ways, not deliberate though, that pushes criminal. Got a new guy for the metal mullitia though!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
RV2 rode great, didn't see what happened. CR won, regardless of the other riders. JS "may have" decided to back it down on the slick track and get a podium. Can't when a championship if you don't finish. RD is very consistant and will be a challenge when it comes to Vegas. This may turn out to be the best season for SX in a very long time.
Since the only SX race I've won is in my dreams, I can only speculate as to the mindset of JS. The guy has won, knows how to win, and has the drive to win more but may have some grimlens lurking from the crash from last year that "could" of ended his career. Besides, when was the last time a Privateer topped the podium? Trey Canard is a contender and will likely rub "bang" plastics with RV2 more than once this season.
As for Hanny, should be fined IMO. Totally unnecessary and could have put both riders out of the season.
Forrest Gump voice on:
Now that's all I have to say about that.
Forrest Gump voice off:


Jul 27, 2009
I think some of you need to watch the Hansen/Cunningham incident again. Here: http://multimedia.foxsports.com/m/video/37169496/sx-lites-san-diego-2011.htm?r_src=ramp

Starting at about the 1:10 mark you see Cunningham coming up on Hansen. Then you see Cunningham throw a tail whip in his direction and staring right at Hansen. Two turns later (1:17 mark) Hansen blocks him to get the position back. Now, tell me where the dirty part was? That was very minimal contact and that is dirty, really? :coocoo:

EDIT: Fixed link
Last edited:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
SS109 said:
I think some of you need to watch the Hansen/Cunningham incident again. Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9thRKDpvQh0&feature=player_embedded

Starting at about the 1:10 mark you see Cunningham coming up on Hansen. Then you see Cunningham throw a tail whip in his direction and staring right at Hansen. Two turns later (1:17 mark) Hansen blocks him to get the position back. Now, tell me where the dirty part was? That was very minimal contact and that is dirty, really? :coocoo:

Cool video of Cunningham taking out Roczen, is that the video you are basing your opinion on? :laugh:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
I've seen it multiple times, Hanson didn't just look to take his line and block pass him, he kept coming in until he could bang off Cunningham and sweep the bike out just like he did to Jake Canada in the first video you posted.

Cunningham made reference to Hanson in a post race interview saying he did it because he felt I got too close over the finish line. The way Hanson states it leads me to believe there may have been some discussion there but that's nothing more than a WAG on my part.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Cunningham whipped over the finish line jump, but I didn't see any "staring right at Hanson" . . .

Hanson took him out, end of story. Douche move or not, we're talking about it.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Dang it!... I missed the lites race and the opportunity to be p*ssed at Gangsta' Hanny! :pissed:
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