
Sep 1, 2000

You do have to send in your LOI (letter of Intent). They take the fastest 3 women from the average of the 6 total days of riding. Kind of expensive just trying to qualify because you have to travel so far. I really don't totally understand the rules but that is close enough.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
The rules are very simple. The Trophy Team, six riders, is actually selected by the AMA. Finishing position in the qualifier series is not used in this decision. The Junior Trophy Team is selected from the four fastest riders in the qualifier series under 23 years of age. The remaining club teams, three riders each, are selected from the remaining fastest riders in the qualifier series. The only exceptions are the Senior Team, three fastest riders over 40 years of age, and the Womens Team, three fastest women. Perhaps one day the FIM will acknowledge Senior and Womens teams along with the Trophy and Junior Trophy teams.

A selected rider can opt not to go. They'll lose the money they submitted with their LOI and the next fastest rider is selected to fill the vacated spot. It's difficult to determine who the fastest riders are until after all the qualifier enduros have been run. Hence the confusion this year when certain riders were told they made the team after the first qualifier, failed to race the second qualifier and were then told they didn't make the team. As Girlrider stated, your best chance for making the team is to race all the qualifier enduros. With a three-race format perhaps the AMA has decided to use the best two out of three format.
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