After I honed the cylinder on my 1969 Yamaha DT1, there remained a scratched in the bore. It is narrow and reaches the length from the port to the top of the cylinder. It will not hone out. It is less than a millimeter wide, but you can see and feel it. I obviously need to have the cylinder bored to a larger size and I need a new piston. O/S pistons for these old Yamaha are as rare as California virgins since there apparently are no other bikes that used the same piston. Yamaha no longer sells them and Wiseco doesn't make one. So, while I search the world for the correct o/s piston (I need one 2nd o/s or larger - that's 70.50mm), what would be the downside to reinstalling the piston and cylinder as they are right now so I can check the integrity of my bottom end rebuild (oil seals, all new case bearings, rebuilt tranny, etc.)? I know I will lose compression through the scratch, but am I liable to cause additional damage to the motor? I don't care about the piston or cylinder because I have a better cylinder that I already was searching for a piston for. Thoughts, anyone?