Shifter Shaft rounded.


May 23, 2002
I recentley purchased a used 91 Cr 125 engine off of ebay for $200 for spare parts. Now that I have recieved the engine it looks like it is in better shape then mine so I think i might put in my bike and use my engine for parts. The only problem is the shifter shaft. Approx. five of the teeth are flat but the rest are in great shape. Do you think it's okay to ride it this way, or could I take my dremel tool to it and try and bring those teeth back to life, or should I try and replace it. I almost positive to replace it I would have to split the cases which means I'm not doing it so that will be my last option.


Jan 9, 2000
Nomally shifter shafts come out of the engine with just removal of the clutch cover and the clutch assembly.


May 23, 2002
I tried to figure that out by going to RivaYamahas website and looking at the blue prints but I couldn't find the right one. I guess I'll have to see if it's in my Clymer manual some where.



Nov 27, 2001
You dont have to split the case all you have to do is pull the right cover off, slide the old one out.Then put the new one in and put the cover back on. The only thing that you can do wrong is not mesh the gear for the water pump right and shear teeth off. I have done this along time ago and had a lot of teeth in my oil. There isnt any thing hard to prevent this though just pull the water pump cover off and turn the impelar so the whole cover goes down tight before you put bolts in and start to torque them.You will need the whole cover gasket and the water pump gasket if you do decide to do it and i feel even a person with no mechanical ability could change it.


May 20, 2003
My bike's shaft is shot and I'm too cheap to buy a new one. You could put KB weld or green loctite on the splines. This will hold it tight for a while. You could also put a little braze on the shaft and the shifter. If you need to take it off you just grind the braze off.


Mar 5, 2004
Heres some advice

Ii went and got a new one for $48 from the dealer when i got my hinson basket, i also got a new lever, return spring for thr rod, not cheap, but it last for a long time, also put red loctite on the shifter bolt that holds it on. It will be worth it when you pre-fit the new rod with the shaft and grin ear to ear. Also replace your outer seal that goes around the shift rod.

Joe, 97' RM250
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