I've always had a lifelong interest in motorcycles, but unfortunately finances never allowed me to fulfill that interest.
I dated a couple guys in high school who had motorcycles. Even rode pillion a couple times in the dirt. Without a helmet. :eek: What the heck did I know? I remember seeing commercials on TV for the Honda XL125, and that looked like the perfect bike for me. Went to college, and lived the life of a destitute college student. It was interesting, though, because even though I wanted to ride, I had a number of people discourage me. I was too small, too weak, to handle a motorcycle-- and besides, they were dangerous. Well, after being out of college for a few years and earning some money, the bug hit again. I went through a bad breakup with a boyfriend, and I was determined to do something for myself. So I signed up for a MSF class, and got my street bike license. It was really pretty easy! My brother knew some friends who had a Honda Rebel 250 they would sell, so I had my first street bike.
Shortly after that, I met Dave. He had two bikes, a Yamaha XT350 and a Husky 250. We would tool around on the street bikes, and then one day he took me down to Buffalo Range in Ottawa (IL), summer of 1992, I think it was. I parked my Rebel, and had my street helmet on, and he put me on the back of his XT350, and we went through a few of the trails (and sand!) down at Buffalo Range. I was giggling and laughing the whole time, even when he almost dumped us over in the sand. The rest, as they say, is history. I rode his XT a couple times, but knew that I needed something smaller and lighter of my own to learn on. I also think that bike just didn't like me. It did everything it could to spit me off at first opportunity.
I read every old issue of Dirt Bike and Dirt Rider magazine that he had, and decided on an XR200. Actually found one, but it was an '87 with an '83 motor in it. That should have warned me, but I sooo wanted that bike I didn't care. It ran for awhile, but it was unreliable. It ended up trashing the transmission, so we parked it and I bought a KDX. Getting that bike was like riding a sports car compared to the XR. I was immediately going over hills and riding over logs that I never would have considered with the XR. I was ecstatic. Rode that bike for 5 seasons, and then got the KTM. And here I am today. I still wish I was a faster rider, but I'm just glad that I can get out there and ride.
And to those guys that tried to discourage me from riding all those years ago, I just say kiss my :moon: !