So, what do you think? Anthrax


Dec 31, 1969
I'm going out on a limb here :D
I'm thinking the anthrax scare will be pinned on Sadam. Rather he's responsible or not. His name is being used more and more these days, I think paving the way to finishing what we started.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around, what do you think? Internal problem? Iraq? bin laden?


Could be some of Sadman's own sleepers, just waiting to jump on someone else's bandwaggon. Or BinLaden had a multi-level attack planned. Or they are BinLaden's folks acting on their own out of desperation.
Like I said in the Flame Board, until a few weeks ago, Anthrax was nothing more than one of my favorite bands.


Mar 19, 2001
Got to be bin laden he can't get it right....nobody except the first guy died, spent lots of money some where with no results. A lot more people die in car accidents die in this country every day. As tragic as sept. 11 was and is the truth is our collective guard was down, it was a horrific wake up call. Americans can never afford to not be vigilant again!


Apr 13, 2000
Am I the only one who thinks this could be from our own homeland? Similar to the unabomber (sp)


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
RMJeff, I thought of that as well, some wacko trying to keep the paranoia going. I am sure the two people arrested for the false anthrax scares will be made examples of!


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2001
CNN.COM has alot of info on there main page. From what I have read the anthrax came from Rusia or Iran they are the only two countries that have the machinery capable of of producing the pure (potent) form of anthrax that are being sent. I AM NOT SAYING that the russian gov. is sending the anthrax it is most likely the terrorist who have gotten the machinery to produce anthrax.

The form of anthrax being set would be impossible to home brew. (according to reports I have read)

This statement is IMHO from what i read on cnn's web site.


Aug 23, 2001
My thoughts

I personally think it's gonna be really hard to track down. My personal belief is that some group somewhere bought some 'thrax from the ruskies after the breakup. They (ussr) had plenty and were/are struggling for cash in a big way. I also disagree with a couple of the posts above. From what I've read, some of the stuff was really potent (weaponized as they say) and some was natural. My thoughts are that the potent stuff is what was purchased and the other stuff was cultivated from that.
I also disagree that it was a waste of money on the terrorists part. So what if only one person dies, almost everyone in the country is freaking out about it and I think that was the point. Like they've said from the start, this is going to take a long time, and we haven't seen the last of it.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I really think we need to be careful here. Everyone is all up in arms about this anthrax thing and that is just what I feel our enemy wants. I feel they may be getting ready to throw out their ace real soon, just when we aren't expecting it. The "suitcase nukes" that are unacounted for from the former Soviet Union are what scare me FAR more than the anthrax thing.

BTW...I feel we need to take out Saddam just for general purpose.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I agree with jeff that it's internal and I argee with Jaybird on two accounts,

1. Take Saddam out on G.P.
2. An Ace is going to be thrown somewhere


Sep 20, 1999
i bet more people die from the flu this year than from anthrax. i bet some of it is local, too--with the "cover" of the foreign terrorists, the domestic 1s are coming out from under their rocks. for example, abortion clinics have been getting more packages of mystery powder than usual. somebody sent some to our county mayor--think bin laden ever heard of him? i doubt it (but can't rule it out). all in all, i say "big stinkin' deal".


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Anyone who pulls a hoax should be punished severely.

I think Saddam's days are numbered, and this is excuse enough for us to go after him (probably covertly).

I also think there may be some domestic fiends at work here, some kind of isolationist group maybe . . . :think


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
I think this Anthrax thing has been blown into an unneccessary frenzy by the media. Yes, it is an attack by someone. No, you are not likely to get Anthrax. Let's of now, 4 people have actually gotten Anthrax. 1 has died. Over the next winter, approximately 20,000-30,000 Americans will die from the flu. Does that change the perspective a little? Anthrax is a very poor weapon. The sole purpose of Anthrax is to intimidate and cause fear and panic, a goal that the media is helping the attackers achieve. And Tom Daschal wants to shut Congress down?! Never before in our history has this happened, and the attackers are laughing all the way to the bank. The general public is acting like a bunch of scared rabbits. Why doesn't the media tell the truth about Anthrax? It is extremely difficult to contract the disease, and if you do get it, it is very treatable with many antibiotics. People that work in sheep shearing facilities are exposed to massive quantities of Anthrax spores on a regular basis. How many Anthrax deaths have happened in the sheep business lately?

We have more to fear from 16 year old drivers in Camaros and Mustangs than we do from Anthrax.


Feb 16, 2001
Are the vaccinations from Desert Storm...

Still working?
Taking out Sadam is a GIMME in my book.
I was at the laundry tonight with my ol' duffels and bald head.
Some JACKASS asked me the eternal question.
Didja kill anyone? Man, I bite my tongue when someone asks a vet that.
There is stuff i wouldn't tell a stranger... Maybe I should?
I have taken a few marine ocs terrorist classes and it is my humble opinion that Anthrax is hype and diversionary...
I think another hit is coming, at least that is how I feel.
I am not waiting to live, not since my first gas attack...
We got it really good here still. I just want people to remember to light our colors if they are displayed after sunset. I have seen a lot of Patriots disregard what I thought everyone knew.
God Bless. Bill


Mar 17, 2000
Spanky nailed it . This has been blown way out of proportion.
Everyone needs to take a deep breath and relax .
I am on a Haz-Mat team at an industrial facilaty in upstate NY , we are part bof the mutual aid system in the surounding comunities . We have been responding to " suspect mail " once and twice a day for 4 days now . People are nuts ,one women got a letter from her son and called us , another guy found an envelope between his front doors that said Anthrax on it , and my farvorite was the woman who saw men on an overpass throwing white powder on to the road below , it was a construction crew jack hammering concrete .
Enough already , people are tying up emergancy responders and wasteing tons of money .
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
ABC could not wait to tell us how that ladies kid got anthrax from their facility.
Now, how in the world did they surmise it was from their facility? I feel if a person, well lets say of right winged persuasion, would claim they had contracted anthrax and they had been in that facility, do you think ABC would just accept that they got it from there as fact? I think not. They would go out of their way to show how many other places that person may have contracted the disease. I think they just want to be part of the party.
The media sickens me, and YES it's their facility that has made me sick.

In all seriousness, I feel these anthrax things are probably the work of an Eric Rudolph or someon like him. A radically right winged extremist that has it in for the left. Just look at the targets. Don't get me wrong, I'm as conservative as they come, but I just feel that this is the work of domestic extremist groups. Terror comes in all variaties.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Amen spanky.

and for the record , i dont really like the bands style ;)


Mar 20, 2001
Hey Spanky,

That's pretty ironic, I saw two guys in a Camaro and a Mustang almost wreck in a race today, on a major street...... at a busy intersection......


May 30, 2001

Senator John McCain was on Letterman tonight and he used the word Iraq when talking about the Anthrax scares. I suspect that we are setting a path to end some other problems.

Here's some conspiracy theory, My own mind you. What if we, US, planted the anthrax, knowing that nobody would be killed by it (at least so far), so we could pin it on Iraq? So we could finish a little 'bizness'.

I also heard that for all the hoopla, there are a grand total of 7 people that have anthrax and are taking antibiotics. It's also 100% treatable. Talk about the media helping spread the scare. Sure it's good to be alert and all, but '7'... You have a 10 time better chance of being hit by lightning, and I'm not worried about that at all.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Anthrax huh!

The 1st thing I thought was some idiots trying to keep things stirred up, I can't see the same people responsible for 9-11 doing this. I would have thought they would at least gone with something contagious like smallpox to start an epodemic of some sort. I still don't rule that out.

The bad thing about anthrax is the spores live for about 100 years. Due to the number of reports I'm curious just how many cases have been diagnosed as the flu instead of antrax over the years since these are the 1st reported cases since sometime in the 70's.

In my line of work I'm in several hundred office's and places of business in central TX and all of a sudded security has become an issue. Just yesterday I went to a 21 story building that I'm in all the time and the doors were all locked but the front. Stationed right inside the front door was a security guard that seem to take his job very serious. Once inside I finished my business but couldn't help but notice when I left the guard had gone to lunch leaving the building open and unattended, go figure.:confused:


Feb 4, 2001
My feeling on all of this scare non-sense is that all of those healthy people out there taking Cipro are going to make another antibiotic useless when it is really needed. The prophylactic use of antibiotics is going to do us all in sooner than any terrorist bugs IMO. I would be more worried if it was Ricin.

I wonder if Anthrax tastes like chicken?
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Aug 6, 2000
To be honest it does not worry me at all.I won't live my life in fear.If
I did what good would it do?
2000 CR125r


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Bayer's doin' it..:think


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
dirtbkr hit it on the head. The "scare" from the media blitz is now costing taxpayers out the wazoo. Every time someone freaks, a hazmat crew is sent out, samples taken, analyzed, decontamitions proceedures are done and the cost is to me and you. The targets seem to have been left tilted and were probably made from within. This is an opportune time for extremist to do what they want.


Oct 16, 2001
I think that we should find whoever is sending the anthrax and infect them with it and let them get a little taste of what they were doing to their victims. I wouldnt be surprised if sadam hussain isnt behind it, i think we should have killed him in desert storm when we had the chance to see we wouldnt have to deal with him now.
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